10 good reasons to start running

The importance of exercising regularly has been more than proven, but still, there is a large proportion of society who are reluctant to do so, generating an increasing percentage of sedentary people with physical and psychological problems that could easily be avoided. .

The excuses are as many as possible: lack of time, lack of company, lack of money to pay gym, lack of place or space, weather, laziness, etc. But the truth is that it is easier to settle and make excuses than to do something that takes effort.

According to Nutritionist and Physical Educator Felipe Cruz, physical exercise has a multitude of benefits and there are numerous ways to exercise and prevent those endless hours sitting at the computer from harming you in the future, just take a few tests and find out which one. just right for you.

Some people prefer the gym, an enclosed space where personal gives you tips and guidance. Others like swimming because they feel free in the water, and some really enjoy running!

By allowing for a sense of unrivaled freedom, improving and balancing physical and mental aspects and bringing benefits that go far beyond those we have always heard out there, we have listed the top 10 reasons that will make you want to start running right now!

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1. No stress

Do you know that story that running fights anxiety? It is true. During exercise new neurons less responsive to stress are stimulated, besides the production of endorphin, substance responsible for the sensation of pleasure and well-being. In addition to anxiety, depression and panic syndrome can also be countered with running. During the race, the focus is usually on the activity that is being performed, so the problems are being forgotten and, as a result, any day to day concerns are in the background.

2. Anytime and anywhere

It is a mistake to think that running is just on the street or in the gym. Running can be practiced on tracks, parks, gym or even indoors if you have ample space and can even become a joke among family members. If you have the company of other people, one helps the other to get motivated!

3. United couple

And speaking of company, how about calling your partner to run with you? Marriage is often blamed for the extra pounds, but studies at the University of Medicine of Pennsylvania have shown that couples who exercise together lose weight faster. Felipe explains that because one motivates and encourages the other and because they create a dietary and physical activity habit together, it is easier to achieve expressive results.

4. Sleep like an angel

Sufferers with insomnia problems can also benefit from the race. According to experts, a trotting routine of up to 30 minutes every other day helps shorten the time it takes to sleep and also improves sleep quality. "This is due to tiredness of the muscles that need to be regenerated, and rest is important," explains the physical educator. "In addition to increased release of serotonin and GH (growth hormone), which help in better quality sleep," he concludes.

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5. Concentration

And when you have a good night's sleep, your concentration in daily life also improves. Research from the University of Illinois (USA) has shown that when running increases cardiorespiratory fitness by 5%, it is possible to have up to 15% improvement in mental tests. In addition, the tests showed a shorter reaction time of the running participants. Not to mention that running on the street or trails forces you to dodge obstacles, holes, rocks, making you increasingly agile.

6. Stronger posture, cartilage and bones

People who have a running habit have thicker and healthier knee cartilage than sedentary ones. Another important factor to consider is that when you run the correct way, ie back aligned, shoulder raised and head straight, you are also taking care of your posture. The activity also strengthens the bones more than other aerobic activities. Data from the National Osteoporosis Society (UK) show that just 15 minutes of light trotting can reduce the likelihood of developing osteoporosis by 40%.

7. Sexual Performance

If you haven't convinced yourself so far, this item will probably go.According to the University of California, men who exercise regularly have 30% more sex than sedentary friends and people who run have the sexual performance of people two to five years younger.

8. Long life to runner!

An average of 3 hours of outdoor exercise per week is 19% less likely to die prematurely, since running can extend an individual's life by up to six years, according to a study in Denmark. More than half of the adult population is deficient in vitamin D, so anyone who runs outdoors can take advantage of the recommended sunbathing hours early in the morning (before 9 am) or late in the afternoon (after 4:30 pm).

9. Your favorite playlist

There's nothing more pleasurable than putting on your headphones, plugging in your favorite and exciting song playlist and running around without worrying about work, relationship and social life issues. Running is also a time for you to enjoy yourself and have a break. Music, on the other hand, helps to decrease the perception of tiredness and improves mood.

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10. Immunity up there

It is no secret that regular exercise generally greatly increases one's immunity. Do you know that cold that comes back every month to disrupt your weekend? Forget it! A report from the British Journal of Sports Medicine has shown that the frequency of these colds can be up to 46% lower in those who run. Asthma sufferers can also use running as an ally: beginning slowly, practitioners may be 18% less likely to experience respiratory infections.

11. Bonus

It has been proven that the practice helps insulin get into the muscles and prevents it from accumulating in the blood. At least two and a half hours of activity per week can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 58% in people at risk of developing the disease, which means that for diabetics, running is one of the best. ways to keep the disease under control.

According to the professional, even though the importance of exercise is proven, there are so many sedentary people in the world because it takes time to create a habit and this habit to be understood by the body. "Studies show that, on average, it takes 3 months for the body to understand the relationship of pleasure that exercise can generate, in addition to the aesthetic benefits." Finally, he advises: "Go training, even without motivation, even tired, go, after a while you get used to it and you will discover the enormous benefits that physical activity provides."

8 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Everyday (April 2024)

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