10 lipstick trivia you need to know

Every woman loves a lipstick and every season more and more colors are released to suit all tastes and with all kinds of finish and texture. Lipsticks that promise to make the lips fuller, brighter, more colorful, make the color last all day no matter, are always in the bags? within easy reach for any retouching. Check out 10 curiosities about this indispensable item in women's lives:

  1. If you wore lipstick in ancient Greece you would be considered a prostitute, because the other women wore no makeup.
  2. A 1998 survey found that 32% of women have more than 20 lipstick colors.
  3. The highest rates of lipstick sales are on rainy and gray days.
  4. 5% of the lipsticks used can be found in cups and cups of coffee, tea and water, and another 5% in women's stomachs, which they inadvertently ingest when licking their lips.
  5. Castor oil is a common compound of lipsticks and helps maintain the shine and durability of the product, while beeswax helps to keep the shape and glide more easily on the lips.
  6. In the Roman Empire, lipstick was a sign of status, the rich used to show social class, including men.
  7. George Washington wore lipstick, makeup and a powdered wig.
  8. In 1915, in Kansas, lipstick was banned for women under 44 because it gave the wrong impression.
  9. Elizabeth Taylor had such a crush on her red lips that she demanded that on film sets only she should wear the color of lipstick.
  10. 80% of American women used lipstick in 2000, 10% more than the French.

And you, leave home without lipstick? What is your favorite color?

Messy Makeup Trivia ft. Jeffree Star & Tati (April 2024)

  • Lipstick
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