10 Simple Secrets to Keep Dry Skin Always Healthy

Several factors can make the skin dry out, very hot and long baths, synthetic tissues, very dry weather, diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism and psoriasis, as well as poor eating habits and side effects from the use of medicines, especially diuretics.

According to dermatology specialist physiotherapists attending ACUS Acupuncture and Aesthetics in Santos Renata Vieira and Bianca Garcia, dry skin is due to a lower than normal absorption level, a condition that can be caused by several factors, including those mentioned above.

Soap is a strong ally in daily care to maintain healthy skin, but depending on the material and active ingredients each soap generates a different result. The most suitable soaps are neutral, because they are less aggressive and softer.

The neutrality of a soap is measured by the pH, which also measures the natural balance of the skin. Human skin has a pH of 5.5 and a soap to be neutral must have a pH less than or equal to 7.0. Bar soaps usually have a pH greater than 7.0, due to the raw material responsible for their consistency, so liquid soaps are more neutral and are therefore better suited for dry skin.

Another important factor to consider is the moisturizer used and the right time to pass it. The ideal is to use products with emollient and humectant substances, opt for emulsions with more oil and less water. Urea and glycerin moisturizers are the most suitable for dry skin, as they have high moisturizing action. It is essential to be careful with alcohol-based and astringent products, these tend to further dry the skin ?, complete physical therapists.

In addition to the information above, the experts gave some more tips on how to keep dry skin always healthy:

  1. Avoid hot baths: Steam and very hot water should be avoided as they harm the skin's natural oils. The right thing is to take warm, short showers;
  2. Drink a lot of water: Water balances the body's functioning and aids in the elimination of toxins as well as hydrating cells. For the skin to be healthy, the body must be in perfect working order;
  3. Eat fruits: Especially those that have a lot of water in the composition like melon, watermelon and apple. These are essential for skin health and body hydration;
  4. Include Omega 3 in the diet: Omega 3 is a type of fat that is essential for maintenance and health promotion, and is responsible for helping to combat various diseases such as diabetes, asthma, among others. Fish are usually important sources of Omega 3, especially salmon, trout and tuna, but walnuts, flaxseeds and avocados are also full of such important fat for the body;
  5. Avoid smoking: Cigarettes do not have any health benefits and everyone knows this, but it is hard to reaffirm that smoking causes the blood vessels in the skin to be reduced, thereby reducing blood flow and consequently oxygenating the skin. In addition, it reduces nutrients important to skin health, such as vitamin A, which is essential in preventing wrinkles;
  6. Avoid alcoholic beverages: Problems already known from excessive alcohol consumption include skin-related problems. The most common are acne worsening and cutaneous rosacea. In addition, alcohol also decreases vitamin A production, causing premature skin aging;
  7. Use correct moisturizers for your skin type: For any skin care, however expert evaluation and advice is indispensable, it can help in the right care and treatment for each skin type;
  8. Use sunscreen every day: This tip is not just for dry skin but any skin type. It is very important to use sunscreen, it not only prevents burns caused by UVA rays, but also protects against UVB rays, responsible for the development of skin cancer;
  9. Never sleep from makeup: Many people do not know the evil that makes sleeping with makeup on the face, when you make up the skin pores are closed and this impairs the oxygenation of the skin. That's why it's important to take off your makeup at bedtime, it's the famous 'beauty sleep' where the skin breathes quiet to stay healthy;
  10. Use the ideal soap for your skin: It is very important to always consult a dermatologist to know which is the best product for your skin type, but according to physiotherapists Renata and Bianca neutral soap is best for dry skin.

Carioca in London blogger Cíntia Ellingham made a video talking about the products she likes to use and the daily care routine she has for her dry skin. Check out:

Whether dry or not, all skin deserves care and damage from the sun, dust and hot water is avoided and softened. It is worth investing in a dermatologist consultation so that he can indicate the best products for your skin type. Take care.

4 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin | UPMC HealthBeat (April 2024)

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