10 smart tricks to make everyday tasks easier

Devote to study, do the job properly, know how to participate in a conversation with friends, read the bestselling books, understand international politics? The demands of the modern world for a person to be considered intelligent are so diverse that it is difficult to fulfill all the requirements.

However, not everything we face in life is in the books and is taught in school. With that in mind, check out this list of ten simple things that can make you a much more objectively minded person without requiring too much time or dedication, and be prepared to deal with the following situations.

1 ? To plant a garden

When setting up a home garden, spread the seeds in a more or less diamond-shaped pattern rather than straight. This will make the garden appear fuller faster.

2 ? To easily find lost needles and pins in the sewing box

Use a magnet for any needles and pins that have been lost inside your sewing box. It will prevent you from searching too long and even getting hurt at the edges of these objects.

3? To teach addresses

Including maps and photos of where you want a person to arrive can be very helpful and make life easier for those looking for the address. It is often easier to locate when you have a visual reference to orient yourself to.

4? To separate cups stuck inside each other

Putting cold water into the top glass and then soaking both in warm water for a minute or two is a simple way to separate them without breaking them if they get stuck.

5? To make juice

The trick is so simple that you can hardly believe it: before slicing and squeezing an orange, lemon or some other fruit, try rolling it over the sink counter firmly, applying a little pressure to bend it. This will allow you to extract more liquid from the fruit.

6? To wash windows

Nothing more annoying than an intriguingly dirty window, without being able to determine if it's inside or outside that is still stained. To avoid this problem, rub it vertically from the inside and horizontally from the outside, or vice versa. That way, if the stain remains, you'll know exactly which side needs to be scrubbed again.

7? To remove rubber gloves

After washing the dishes or the bathroom, if the rubber glove you used gets caught in your hand, place both hands under cold water. This will make the gloves slip easily when they are removed.

8? To defog the mirrors

After bathing, to prevent the mirror from being stained by hot steam, rub it with a little shaving foam, then wipe it with a soft cloth.

9? To clean glass bottles and vases

Fill them with water and place a denture cleaning tablet inside them. After some time, remove the liquid and let it drain.

10? To eliminate glass scratches

Try rubbing a cloth with some toothpaste over scratches on the glass. If the risks are not too large or deep, they will be eliminated.

If you also have a special trick up your sleeve, share it with us by leaving a comment below.

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