10 things every woman needs for quality of life

For someone to live well, with quality of life, it is necessary to invest in physical as well as mental and emotional well-being. See below 10 things that we women need and deserve to have a happier and more enjoyable life.

1 ? Sex. Having a sexually active, quality-of-life life that provides legitimate pleasure helps improve mood, contributes to well-being, and even helps brighten the skin. No doubt every woman deserves good moments of pleasure for two.

2 ? Quality sleep. This is another point every woman should invest in. Bet on a quality mattress and come up with a routine to slow down before going to bed. Try to sleep at least 6 hours a day and be careful to sleep in a comfortable position that does not hurt your back.

3? Physical exercise. The practice of physical exercise is an almost mandatory requirement for those who want to have quality of life. Even if it is just a light walk, physical exercise will be beneficial to your body and your mind. Besides being good for keeping fit and healthy, the practice provides a moment of relaxation and introspection.

4? Activities that stimulate the brain. Another habit necessary to acquire quality of life is to practice activities that make you think and put the brain into action. Crossword puzzles are a good example of how to stimulate your brain and have fun at the same time. Find an activity you enjoy that requires mental dedication, and start doing it today.

5? Fun. A dull and fun-free life is not a quality life, is it? So go out with your friends, laugh, sing, dance, do what gives you pleasure. This way you invest in well-being and gain in quality of life. You will feel happy and fulfilled doing things that give you a sense of pleasure.

6? True relationships. Another thing that enriches a life is having good relationships. True friendships, a bit of romance, and a good connection with family members also contribute to a quality life.

7? A touch of affection. Those who live in isolation and rarely feel the warm touch of a loving hug are probably not as happy as those who enjoy these signs of affection. The warmth of a mother hug, the caress of a friendly shoulder, the simple handshake of someone who wishes you well are physical contacts necessary to keep us well with life and connected with our most human and loving side.

8? Social life. In addition to good relationships and physical contact, we women also need to be involved with the society around us. Good morning to the doorman and neighbors is a simple way to keep in touch with those around us.

It is also important to always be meeting new people, making new friends and increasing our circle of "acquaintances". This brings not only well-being, but also new opportunities both personally and professionally.

9? Time for herself. What woman doesn't like to have a little time just for her? That good time, to be in my pajamas on the couch eating popcorn, or all full of cream on my face and shaving in the bathroom. This is one of the things we need to watch out for, because we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. So never feel guilty about taking a few moments alone with yourself.

10? Small pleasures. Finally, to have a happy and quality life, we must also give us small pleasures of life. Eating that candy bar you love so much or strolling through the windows of the most coveted stores are some examples of the little pleasures we can give ourselves. After all, we deserve it all.

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