10 tricks to lose shyness

Being a shy person can be a big problem, especially in love relationships and professions that require direct contact with the public. Although it cannot be eliminated overnight, getting rid of shyness is a possible task, and some exercise can help gradually.

1 ? Talk to the mirror

On no particular subject, just stop in front of the mirror and start expressing aloud the random thoughts that occur to you. Without realizing it, you will be becoming a more resourceful person in time to express yourself.

2 ? Approach people on the street

Ask for the time or location of an address, even if you don't really need it. This exercise will gradually help you to fear other people less.

3? Public speaking

When you are in a lecture, class, or the like, and requesting a volunteer, get up and be the one to help. At first, it will be difficult to speak in public, but over time, you will get used to it until it is so common that it becomes part of your "routine."

4? Have subject

If any of your friends or co-workers ask you something, instead of just answering, pull a hook to another subject, continuing the conversation. In addition to looking more sympathetic, you will be training your relationship with other people.

5? Be helpful

Whatever the situation. To help ? whether at home, at work, with friends or even strangers? It's a great way to increase your contact with the rest of the world. No one bites and undoubtedly being helpful you will realize that.

6? Look into the eyes

When talking, it is very important to maintain eye contact. Looking down demonstrates insecurity, while looking sideways gives the impression that we are not interested in the subject. Make yourself look straight into the eyes of your caller even if at first it sounds like torture.

7? Enroll

No matter what class. Gym, theater, dance, singing, foreign language, any of these will be helpful in helping to overcome shyness, as you will be dealing with people you didn't know before? and will be forced to expose herself. Plus, any of them will be a pleasure in your life.

8? Ask for help

For those who are shy, it is very complicated to ask for help from others, even for the most complex tasks. However, this is a good opportunity to fight your primary instincts (which would lead you to do the task yourself, even if it cost you an arm).

9? Read aloud

No matter what. Get used to listening? high ? the sound of your voice. It is what allows you to communicate with other people and exercise will help you not to be afraid to use it in your daily life.

10? Challenge yourself and believe in you

Set daily goals, things that seem hard to accomplish, such as greeting strangers or chatting with the boss, for example. It may seem like a sacrifice, but it is very important. Accomplish the? Challenges? and you will slowly realize that they no longer look that complicated.

Lastly, believe in yourself. Willpower and confidence are two key pieces for those who want to lose their shyness.

How To Overcome Shyness And Social Anxiety (April 2024)

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