10 Ways To Keep Peace With Your Neighbors

Who has never had a disaffection on the other side of the wall, to throw the first stone. Living in peace with the neighborhood is an arduous but rewarding task. If you live on the brink of war with your neighbors, we've separated ten simple attitudes to help you achieve the long-awaited peace.

1 ? Exercise sympathy

Today, gestures of kindness and sympathy are increasingly rare, especially among people who are almost unknown, as is the case with most neighbors. The point is that it is much harder to get into a fight with those who always devote us sympathy. So if you have a quarrel with a neighbor, be nice to him? You can be sure that he will think twice before bothering you with any unreasonable complaints.

2 ? Try not to disturb

In buildings in general, there are usually many discussions between owners. This is because the right of one ends where the other begins? and in no other social organization is this phrase so real. What sounds like an insignificant noise to one may be the audible apocalypse to another. So just as you would not want to be disturbed, do your best not to disturb anyone.

3? Respect the rules (even if they are not in writing)

If you live in a condominium, some non-regulation attitudes should be avoided by common sense. For example, do not use another resident's parking space, make changes and renovations only on stipulated days and times, do not hold the elevator door open, preventing others from using, among other things.

If you live at home, not stopping your car in front of the neighbor's gate, keeping the trash you produce in your own trash and not holding parties (at least during the week) are examples of attitudes that improve your relationship with neighbors.

4? Bet on the favors exchange

Your neighbor will not always ask for your help, but in some situations it is obvious that he needs her. Holding doors, getting into the car, and offering to help you unload your shopping or bags are all simple and free. In addition to feeling good about helping, make sure that he will do the same for you when you realize you're in trouble.

5? Introduce yourself to new residents

When you know of any new residents, introduce yourself appropriately and make yourself available to help with whatever you need. Also, invite him for a coffee, when you can? ? It's a good way to build friendships.

6? Attend meetings

Once again, the tip is for those who live in residential buildings and condominiums. When you receive the call to a meeting or assembly, attend. This shows interest in community issues and is critical to keeping abreast of decisions and improvements made in the condo. Many people want to claim their rights but are never present when decisions are made. To avoid these disturbances and keep peace with the neighborhood, attend and help resolve conflicts? instead of just complaining? it is fundamental.

Mastering the Art of Loving Your Neighbor | Judy Schindler | TEDxCharlotte (March 2024)

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