11 customs from other countries that are legal to adopt

Customs can be defined as the cultural way a group of people or society manifests. Since these acts are repeated over time, although not mandatory, they become common and characteristic of the group in question.

Brazil, recognized as a multicultural country, acquired its customs through the influence of immigration and the great mixture of the various ethnic groups present in the country.

As we travel, the shock of learning about local culture customs can be great. Curious or even strange habits are present in various cultures. But some of them are worth watching carefully and even applying in our daily lives. Check out some habits from other countries that are cool to adopt in our routine:

1. In Germany, it is very important to separate waste

To get into the habit, find out about the separate waste disposal sites in your city and practice at home.

2. In Spain, siesta is made by all

In addition to restorative, dozing after lunch is very beneficial, helping to reduce stress, improving creativity and concentration and rebalancing nervous functioning. In the country, even commerce closes its doors in this period.

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3. In Germany it is very common to give a welcome gift

Whenever a new neighbor moves into the neighborhood, it is common to present him. In the country a glass of salt and bread is traditionally offered to new residents, but any gift is welcome. This makes it easier to make friends.

4. In the United States, tipping is a sign of respect

Although some establishments in Brazil introduce this practice, it is not mandatory in most places. Leaving a tip is the way to show that you are satisfied with the service provided and to honor the place. It's worth a little extra to go to your favorite restaurant.

5. In Hungary, it is very common to use the bicycle as the main means of transport.

As in other European countries and even in Japan, by using the bicycle as the main means of transportation, in addition to benefiting from the well-being provided by the exercise, it will still be contributing to the reduction of pollutant gas emissions.

6. In France, it is correct to wait for the host to eat before starting the meal.

If you are invited to dinner at an acquaintance's house, even if the hunger is high, it is best to wait for the homeowner to start dinner, showing respect.

7. In Italy, it is common to send a thank you card

Whether after a party or dinner, sending a thank you card, as well as honoring the hospitality and kindness of the party or dinner owner, it also helps to strengthen the bonds of friendship.

8. In England, punctuality is a sign of elegance

The famous British punctuality shows respect and value in the time of others. If you are late, in addition to finding such an act inelegant, may still conclude as lack of commitment. It is worth planning to arrive a few minutes earlier at that important appointment.

9. In Japan, it is common to take off shoes before entering home

For them, this act causes the? Impure energies? Do not enter the home, but beyond this belief, taking off your shoes before entering the home will reduce up to 85% of the dirt and bacteria on the floor of your home. Ideally, leave a pair of slippers next to the front door, preventing you or visitors from going barefoot.

10. In Australia, the picnic is a typical family program.

Common activity for Australians, almost every park, square or beach has a table and stools to practice. Besides being a moment of relaxation and appreciation of nature, it also provides good times with friends and family.

11. In Japan, it is common to exercise before work or study.

Taiso, a choreographed morning gymnastics is performed by workers and students before the start of their journey. It is no secret that stretching and daily exercise besides? Waking up? The body still bring long term benefits. Move now!

Small changes in routine and new habits can provide more health, well-being and good times with friends and family. Try to introduce these customs into your daily life and bring the culture of other countries into your life.

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