11 Things We Can Learn From the Orange is The New Black Series

Sorority is a word that is not present in Brazilian dictionaries, but should. It is, in fact, the feminine version of the well-known word "fraternity": it is the union between women, it is based on empathy, companionship and the pursuit of the same goals. This is precisely what can be seen in the Orange is The New Black series.

Produced by Netflix, the series was released in 2013, is based on a book of the same name written by Piper Kerman and features a federal female prison, where you can follow the trajectory of the character Piper (played by actress Taylor Schilling). What could turn out to be a hostile environment, with women harming each other, turns out to be very different.

Orange is The New Black is a series that has humor, has tears, has life stories, has a thousand twists and a lot of courage. Courage because it deals with themes that are often little explored in entertainment programs: minorities, sexual diversity, rape, abuse of power, female representation and so many other issues.

Is it possible to learn several lessons from the experiences of Litchfield prison inmates? and this is what we are going to show today! Check out a list of 11 things we can learn from the series? and that we can lead to all aspects of life.

1. It's important to go after what you love

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Even though everything seems to be pushing you the other way, don't give up on the things you really want or believe.

2. Never Forget Who You Are

The character Sophia, played by Laverne Cox, knows very well who she is. Even though she suffered hate crimes and was humiliated, she was never shaken by anything.

3. Sometimes life is really hard

Women in prison are daughters, mothers, wives and sisters who stay away from their families for several days. Often they are pushed to the limit. Our life may not have painful experiences in this way, but it also experiences moments of unhappiness. It takes strength to overcome. Find your strength!

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4. It's important to find happiness in the little things.

In Orange is The New Black even the day the cafeteria serves tacos is a reason to rejoice. This is the way it is in our lives: daily we are blessed with precious little moments! A chocolate when it hits that desire, a hug from the children, a good book reading, a bath after a tiring day? What we need is to learn to see this.

5. Your past doesn't define who you are

You may have made bad decisions in your past, but that doesn't change who you are.

6. There are times to follow rules and break them.

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And by breaking the rules you can find a lot of fun.

7. Not everyone is your friend or will like you

You don't have to work hard to please everyone. Understand that people are not obligated to this. And neither are you.

8. However, some people will really like you

And it is the people who like you that should be valued.

9. Not All Conversations In The World Need To Be Are About Men

In Orange is The New Black the conversations go far, far beyond the male. After all, there is so much else, right?

10. It's important that you know your body.

Sexuality is quite covered in the series. And nothing more powerful than a woman who knows every corner of her body.

11. Women should come together more

Sorority, remember? That simple.

Orange is the New Black | The Farewell Show | Netflix (April 2024)

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