12 amazing hair trivia

Our locks are one of the main reasons for our vanity. And for those who like to know more about it, here are some hair trivia you probably didn't know:

  1. An average person has between 100,000 and 150,000 strands of hair;
  2. Can a single hair support up to 100 grams in weight and an entire head of hair support up to 12 tons? the equivalent of two elephants;
  3. A hair grows from 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters per day, about 1 to 1.5 centimeters per month and 12 to 15 centimeters per year;
  4. Curly hair grows slower and is more fragile than straight hair;
  5. The word shampoo comes from the Hindi "champna" which means massage or kneading;
  6. Children lose an average of 90 hairs a day, which increases to 120 in old age;
  7. Do women often experience big? but reversible? hair loss two or three months after delivery. Massive production of estrogen during pregnancy puts the hair follicles in their 'growth phase'. After birth, hormonal balance is restored and the hair follicles enter the "loss phase", causing a large number of hairs to fall at the same time;
  8. African and European peoples are more prone to baldness than Asian peoples;
  9. Your hair may turn white after an electric shock;
  10. An inch of hair can reveal a lot about your behavior over the past month, such as what you ate, drank, and the environments you attended;
  11. In 2002, men and women from the United Kingdom spent over 400,000 pounds on razors to remove unwanted hair;
  12. The first liquid shampoo to go to the market was Dop, which appeared on the shelves in 1952.

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