12 Habits You Must Eliminate When Cooking

Cooking, for some, is simple and enjoyable. For others it can be difficult and tiring. In both cases, making mistakes is an inevitable part of learning. And these mistakes can help make results look better in the long run.

Some are basic mistakes that are part of the routine of even those who already have a cooking habit. The difference is that without them the taste could get even better. Learn which ones are the most common and understand how and why you should avoid them.

1. Put a little salt

Salt should be in sufficient quantity to enhance the flavors. But you have to put it slowly and taste it so that it doesn't get overly salty. Learning to do it the right way is not simple, but if you have patience you will soon know the right point.

2. Do not add acidity

A touch of lemon juice or vinegar may be the missing acidity to make the dish taste better. Like salt, acid helps make flavors appear. And, likewise, it should be placed gradually so as not to get overdone.

3. Not getting hot enough

The intense heat of the stove flame helps make the food tastier. The tip is to let the pan heat for a few minutes before placing the food, but be careful not to heat too much and end up burning your steak, for example.

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4. Do not brown the food

Stirring food in the pan, turning the ingredients around, is a common habit, but it can hurt the result and make the dish bland. The ideal is to leave everything quiet for a while, ensuring the golden color and also the taste.

5. Put too much stuff in the pan

If the pan is too crowded, it will be impossible for the food to be golden and tasty. Ingredients need to have space, especially if they are proteins like beef, chicken and fish.

6. Stir the rice

No one wants a sticky or sticky rice. The ideal is to always be loose. And for that, you have to leave it quiet in the pan without stirring or stirring. This movement activates the starch, which makes it sticky.

7. Do not separate ingredients in advance.

Separating everything you need before you start cooking helps you avoid cooking mistakes and save time. In addition to ensuring that there is no missing ingredient in the recipe you intend to make.

8. Buy the wrong cuts of meat

Meats of different types, in different shapes and sizes, require different techniques when they are made. There are those that cook faster and others that take longer to soften. So you need to pay attention to the recipe and make sure you have bought the right or similar meat.

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9. Do not dry proteins before cooking

Proteins (whether beef, chicken, tofu, etc.) need to be dry when put in the pan. This prevents them from getting dark after cooking and prevents the oil from rising on you, which could happen if they were not dry as hot oil and water do not mix.

10. Burn the garlic

Garlic is a great spice, but when burned, it makes the dishes taste bitter. To prevent this from happening, do not put the garlic too early in the recipe and make sure the pan is not too hot. One minute is usually enough to cook or fry the garlic.

11. Use nonstick pan for everything

Nonstick pans have turned into a wish item and look perfect for any occasion in the kitchen. But not quite. They do not get as hot as other pans, which can impair cooking. So, leave them to use only for omelettes or scrambled eggs.

12. Measure Ingredients Wrong

There are different measuring cups for ingredients, especially dry and wet ones. Even if the difference is small, it can change the revenue result. While dry measuring cups are designed to be filled to the top, the liquid cups have a line below the edge so that nothing spills.

So before you start venturing into the kitchen, pay attention to all these points to make sure the dishes are perfect and tastier.

Also read: 10 smart ways to reuse food scraps


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