20 fruit combinations to make delicious juices

Is it at breakfast, after lunch, after physical activities or simply in the middle of the afternoon? Who can resist a delicious glass of cold fruit juice ?!

Besides being delicious, the juices made from fruits are supersaudible and can be part of everyday life? They are also a great option to replace the consumption of soda that is so bad for your health.

But beware, to enjoy the benefits, the juices must be natural!

Below you can see what benefits natural juices can offer your health, and here's a list of 20 delicious and practical recipes you can start preparing at home today!

How to mix fruits and create tasty and different juices

Want to make juices with two or more fruits running away from the most common combinations like pineapple and mint? How about making these suggested mixes? Try it!

  1. Pineapple with Apple and Ginger
    Blend 4 slices of pineapple, 1 seedless apple and 2g of ginger.
  2. Grape with Kiwi and Mint
    Blend 1 cup of whole grape juice, 1 chopped kiwi and mint leaves to taste.
  3. Orange with apple
    Beat 1 glass of orange juice with 2 apples.
  4. Passion fruit with mango
    Beat 1 cup of passion fruit pulp with 800 ml of water and 2 mangoes cut into pieces. Strain and sugar only if necessary.
  5. Passion fruit with banana
    Beat 1 banana banana, 1 passion fruit and 1 ½ glasses of water. Stress Use sugar only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  6. Cowberry with orange
    Beat 6 acerolas with 80ml of orange juice and ½ glass of water. Stress Sweeten only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  7. Mango with Orange
    Beat ½ mango cut into pieces with 1 glass of orange juice. Stress Serve with ice.
  8. Watermelon with Strawberry
    Beat ½ watermelon with 8 strawberries. Stress Sweeten only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  9. Guava and apple
    Beat 2 ripe guavas with 1 large apple and 1 liter of water. Stress Sweeten only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  10. Melon with Pineapple
    Beat ½ pineapple, ½ melon and 1 kiwi with ½ glass of water. Stress Serve with ice.
  11. Orange with Strawberry
    Beat the juice of 6 oranges with 6 medium strawberries. Stress Sweeten only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  12. Orange with Papaya
    Beat the 6 orange juice with 1 medium papaya (without the peel) minced. Strain and sugar only if necessary. Serve with ice.
  13. Melon with lime and mint
    Beat 1 thick slice of melon, 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp mint and 1 tbsp lemon. Sweeten if necessary. Serve with ice.
  14. Watermelon with lime and mint
    Beat ½ watermelon, 1 lemon and 1 tbsp of mint. Strain and serve with ice.
  15. Melon with Strawberry
    Beat 2 medium slices of melon with 1 cup of chopped strawberries and ½ cup of water. Strain and sweeten if necessary. Serve with ice.
  16. Watermelon with kiwi and passion fruit
    Beat 300g of watermelon with 2 kiwifruit and 200ml of passion fruit juice. Strain and sweeten if necessary.
  17. Pineapple, Acerola and Mint
    Beat ½ chopped pineapple (without coat and without crumb) with 15 acerolas, 1 tbsp mint leaves and ½ cup water. Strain and sweeten if necessary. Serve with ice.
  18. Watermelon with Ginger
    Beat 3 slices of watermelon and 1 teaspoon grated ginger. Strain if necessary. Serve with ice.
  19. Acai berry with banana and orange
    Beat 200 g frozen acai pulp with 400 ml orange juice and 2 silver bananas. It is ready to be taken.
  20. Blackberry with Lemon
    Beat 1 cup of fresh blackberries with the juice of 1 lemon and 200 ml of coconut water. It is ready to be taken.

The secret to turbocharging your juice

As already mentioned, juices are very beneficial, but should not be consumed in excess. It is worth mentioning that they contain fructose (fruit sugar)? which is metabolized rapidly by the body, rapidly releasing glucose into the bloodstream, and often contributes to fat storage (especially in the abdominal region).

However, there is a tip that helps make the juice even healthier and reduce the speed with which glucose enters the bloodstream: insert 1 tablespoon of fiber into your juice. For example:

  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of green banana flour;
  • 1 tablespoon seed;
  • 1 chia flour.

To make an even more nutritious and tasty juice, other ingredients besides fruits and flour mentioned above can be added such as:

  • Herbs (mint, lemon balm, chamomile etc.)
  • Fruit peel
  • Functional seeds (flax, chia etc.)
  • Vegetables (kale, cucumber, etc.)
  • Coconut water.

Another key tip is to avoid sweetening (either with sugar or sweeteners) juices.Try to get used to the natural taste of fruits? that is a delight!

How to prepare fruit pulp at home

Of course, preparing the juice and taking it on time is best. But if it is not possible, a good option is to bet on fruit pulps.

However, if you are buying ready-made pulp (at the supermarket, for example), check the packaging to see if the product contains only frozen fruit with no chemical additives (colorings, flavorings, acidulants). This is very important.

Another suggestion is to buy the fruits and make the pulps yourself at home. Except bananas and water pear, which do not perform well after defrosting, all fruits can be frozen.

The main ways to turn fruits into pulps are:

Freeze them to the natural: wash, peel, remove lumps and pack in plastic bags.

Freeze them as pulp or puree: Peel, remove the seeds and beat in a blender. For dark fruits, we recommend adding one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Freeze them with sugar: Ideal for freezing fruits that will be served sweetened in sweets or juices. Place the clean, dried fruit in a plastic container and throw some sugar over it so that it is completely covered. Let it sit until the fruit releases the juice and dissolves the sugar, then bring it to the freezer.

Freeze them in syrup: Boil 1 cup of sugar water; Put the fruits in a plastic container and cover them completely with the syrup. For dark fruits, it is recommended to add ½ tablespoon of lemon juice.

As fruits have their own characteristics, they need different treatment so that they can be frozen. Below you will find guidelines for freezing the main fruits mentioned in the above juice combinations:

  • Pineapple: cut into slices or pieces, freeze in syrup or in the form of juice.
  • Acerola: freeze whole acerola, natural.
  • Blackberry: freeze whole blackberries, natural.
  • Apple: peel, remove seeds, cut into slices and freeze in syrup by adding a little lemon juice.
  • Mango: peel, cut into slices and freeze in syrup.
  • Passion fruit: lightly beat in a blender, strain and freeze the pulp.
  • Melon: peel, cut into pieces and freeze in syrup.
  • Strawberry: freeze whole strawberries, natural.
  • Papaya: freeze into pieces with sugar.
  • Watermelon: freeze to pieces, natural.
  • Grape: Wash and dry the grapes, remove the seeds and freeze them naturally.

Natural juice, soda or processed juice?

It's no use making a mistake: Are natural juices always healthier options when compared to soda, regardless of caloric value? is much cited in the case of zero soda.

This is because the juice provides vitamins and minerals important for the body's functioning. In contrast, soda provides high amounts of sodium and chemical additives, which accumulate toxins in the body and make it difficult to function.

Regarding the industrialized fruit juices (boxed), it is noteworthy that most options available on the market are not recommended by nutritionists. Is it because such products contain a lot of sugar or sweeteners? in the light and diet versions? and chemical additives (colorings, flavorings, acidulants) that hinder the proper functioning of the body.

Thus, it is clear: you should always give preference to natural fruit juices, prepared at home with one or more fruits (among other ingredients).

Do you like the tips? Now you have great combination ideas for making good natural juices at home!

Always remember to give preference to freshly prepared juice. But if it is not possible, prepare the pulps at home. Avoid sweetening the juices, thus enjoying the best of all the benefits it can offer your health!

Juice Your Way to Better Skin (April 2024)

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