3 tips for the first gynecological consultation

The first visit to the gynecologist is a situation that should be conducted smoothly and that allows understanding about the processes involved in this context, so the search for information and the support of the family, especially the mother is essential.

According to specialists in pubertal gynecology, the first visit to the gynecologist should occur when there is any doubt, problem with the reproductive system discomfort or when the girl has menarche? first menstruation, whichever comes first.

The visit to the gynecological office right at the beginning of puberty, even before the first menstruation, is also indicated, as this way the doctor can follow the girl's development and establish a relationship of trust.

1 ? Do not postpone going to the gynecologist

Many parents for fear that their daughters will start sex early will not only talk about family sexuality, but will postpone their first visit to the gynecologist as much as possible, but this delay may lead to further problems, as she may have aggravation of a disease by late treatment or exposure, for lack of support or knowledge, to early pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Girls who perceive this posture in their parents should express their intentions to go to the gynecologist in a conversation that makes it clear that the main purpose of the visit is the body's technical and specific knowledge and the maintenance of their own health through gynecological check up.

According to gynecologist Dione Maria Ceschini Tanuri, the postponement to the gynecologist may also be delayed by the young patient. "Many girls who enter puberty or start menstruating fear the idea of ​​having their intimacy exposed, of having their bodies inspected and palpated."

In this case, the doctor advises that there is a dialogue between the daughter and the parents to explain about the changes that will occur and reinforce the importance of knowledge of the body, preventing the embarrassment of the young woman to become fear of the doctor.

2 ? Handle embarrassment with the doctor and family

Another very conflicting point in this process is the choice of the doctor. It is common for the family to prefer the girl's gynecologist to be the same as the mother's, but often this may not be the best option as there is a possibility that the young patient may not feel safe with him.

If the young woman does not feel comfortable with the gynecologist indicated by her family, she should speak up and have her wish respected, since it is essential that the first consultation with the gynecologist be free of fears and suspicions, in order to be able to assimilate the information she will receive from the gynecologist. professional, feel comfortable expressing your doubts, knowing that you will not have your intimacy exposed to anyone else,

Regarding the question of whether or not to be accompanied by a guardian at the first appointment, experts in the field provide the solution: They often define that a responsible parent is present at the initial interview to help answer questions about childhood illness, and then remain or be dismissed, according to what the girl manifests that will make her feel more comfortable.

3? Know what to expect from your appointment

Should the young woman prepare herself by scheduling the appointment for a day when she is not menstruating so that she can have tests, pre-clean herself, and think about questions to take to her doctor? jotting it all down on paper is a good initiative.

It is also important to know that the query implies only the following steps:

  • Interview: The doctor measures the patient's weight and measurement and asks questions about illness, eating habits, activity routine and menstruation;
  • Physical examination: The patient is undressed, covered by an open apron at the front, and lying on with her legs raised and apart for the doctor to evaluate her breasts, abdomen and vulva. If the patient is already sexually active, a Pap smear is also performed.
  • Ask questions: The doctor answers the patient's questions about her body development, menstruation, sexuality, virginity, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptive methods and possible discomfort.

Therefore, the first visit to the gynecologist is a knowledge-rich and painless experience. Not being afraid or ashamed of the doctor, seeking one's own experience, instead of deluding oneself with testimonials from others, taking all doubts and having a dialogue and counting on the support of the family is fundamental for this experience to be fruitful and peaceful.

1st visit to a gynecologist (April 2024)

  • Adolescents, Contraceptive Methods, Prevention and Treatment
  • 1,230