4 games to get your child out of the computer

A survey conducted by Cetic.br in 2010 interviewed 2516 children aged 5 to 9 years about their relationship with technology and the internet. The study revealed that 51% of the children interviewed had already used a computer, while 27% reported using the internet.

Most children living in urban areas (48%) reported using the internet at home; In rural areas, the majority (52%) cited school as the most common place of access. The most cited online activities by children were? Online games? (90%) and? Seeking information for the school? (45%).

The presence on social networks is also significant: 29% of children who have ever used the internet were on Facebook or Orkut. In addition, 25% exchanged instant messages and 10% reported sending emails.

? Computers and video games completely replaced the games that were so well known and practiced, especially in the 80s. Hopscotch, jump rope, burn, race? a multitude of activities that have been replaced by the coldness and loneliness of the virtual world of the internet, computers and video games. Too bad, because games teach children how to deal with the frustration of defeat, how to behave socially, and develop healthy ways of coping with competitiveness? ? says psychologist Marcelo C. Souza.

The advice, for parents who want to rescue in their children the taste for life outside the walls of home? or inside, but not facing a screen - is early on to stimulate games and activities that stir creativity and stimulate children's imagination. As? Simple. Recall the games that most marked your childhood and invite your children to share the activities.

There are several options for childhood play. Burnt, colorful elephant, alert, little house, rubber band, cordless phone and chair dancing are just a few. We suggest some other ideas:


Just a chalk? or a stone, as is known? to turn a piece of ordinary flooring into one of the best jokes ever. The activity stimulates balance, agility and aim and is suitable for children from 4 years.

Hide and seek

If there are several children? do you need at least three? Hide and seek is a good choice for training agility, speed, creativity, attention and patience. One child counts while the others hide. Then the? Counter? You need to find the others. The first to be found is the next to tell.


Perfect to keep many kids entertained for a long time? and through a simple mechanism: when the leader says "dead," everyone should crouch down; if the command is 'live', participants stand up. Those who break orders will be eliminated until only the winner remains. The activity helps develop skills such as agility, fitness, motor coordination, attention, concentration and body expression.


You just need some cards with animal names or movies, for example. A child pulls out a card and, without telling the others what is written on it and without making a sound, has to make them guess what they read. The game develops memory and creativity, and is suitable for children over 8 years.

Take the opportunity to release the child you once were. These activities, besides taking the child from the computer, make room for parents and children to get closer. Amid the stressful routine experienced today, are moments of fun and relaxation.

It's Time to Give Your Child a Computer (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
  • 1,230