5 Excuses You Must Leave If You Want To Succeed In Life

The desire to keep growing always is normal and of course necessary. But there are certain excuses we make in some situations that prevent us from acting. Whether you are looking for a new job or wanting to choose a hobby, goals start to form in your head as quickly as thoughts come up pointing to reasons why you shouldn't try.

So while each case is different from the other and there is no pattern of behavior, there are a few excuses that most often make. See what are also tips to reverse this and achieve your dreams and goals:

1. Am I waiting for the right moment?

The schedule is full, the money is low, the responsibilities are large, and so begins the list of reasons why you can't focus on a new project now. But in reality there is never a right time because there will always be an obstacle in the way. Remember, your life will continue to happen now, no matter what time in the future you consider it perfect to begin with.

Instead, should you?

Accept and take responsibility for your life, find out what is the real reason you can't start? if it exists at all. We must strive to reduce this excuse, either by putting priorities on the agenda if we do not have time or by controlling spending if resources are low.

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2. Am I too young / old?

Creating schedules for life is being your worst enemy. Should you graduate from college around age 22, move to a new city until age 26, get married at age 30? And the dream work is getting lost somewhere in that period of time. It is destructive to base what you can and cannot do according to age. If you decide to move to another city at age 50 or go back to college at 33, it's never too early or too late. The paths are different and each one should be proud of their own. Age is not a deciding factor.

Instead, should you?

Stop fearing the judgment of others, don't compare your life to that of your peers (especially on social media), start creating a plan for what you want to do and apply it.

3.? I am afraid it will not work?

The fear of failure is overwhelming, keeps you from taking risks, and keeps people in comfort zones. And the real definition of? Failure? It usually comes in the form of something that is not working the way you want. But in reality, this is not failure, this is simply life. Although the idea of ​​failure can be discouraging, the freedom that comes with abandoning this fear allows obstacles to be overcome.

Instead, should you?

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Correct your attitude, recognize why you don't think you can achieve your goal, and take steps to become more confident in this area (for example, learning a new skill you consider important), create a schedule, and follow it.

4. Don't know where to start?

It is natural to say that the hardest part of trying to explore the unknown is having the knowledge (and courage) to take the first step. But you have to start somewhere. Instead of focusing on the right or wrong way, decide your course of action and go. Some of the best times may be exactly on the path you choose.

Instead, should you?

Research your goal and create a plan to reach it, connect with people who have achieved a similar goal and not feel embarrassed about seeking help.

5. Am I not good enough?

With the expectations you set for yourself and the accomplishments of others viewed by social networks, there is often more frustration at what has not been done than pride at what has already been done. So it is unfair to compare with those who have a different journey. To avoid entering this toxic cycle, it is important to transform discouragement and not allow the influences of others to prevent you from creating what you want.

Read also: The 10/10/10 Rule will help you make better decisions in your life.

Instead, should you?

Be honest with yourself and find out why you feel that way, schedule moments to step back from social media and really connect with who you admire.

Doubting one's own potential is common in everyone's life, but just as the mind pushes us to complete projects, it even discourages us from starting them. So the tip is to stay focused on the positive side and move on.

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