5 haircuts to copy from characters in the soap opera Good Blood

When a new soap opera begins, along with it we see several trends emerging. There was already a certain buzz about short hair being the cut of the time, especially the classic chanel revisited and modernized to suit the most diverse textures and types of hair. The length is no more than the shoulder region, and much longer hair gave time to short and medium.

If you're not afraid to innovate, be inspired by the cuts and radicalize too, either with curls or straight strands, depending on your preference. The characters who have given their hair talk are Amora (Sophie Charlotte), Malu (Fernanda Vasconcellos), Giane (Isabelle Drummond), Veronica (Leticia Sabatella) and Charlene (Mayana Neiva). These are the characters that are setting the trend in haircut.

What do you think about hairstyles? Would they adopt any of the cuts?

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  • Hair cuts
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