5 Phrases Not to Speak at Work

Some rules are important in the work environment: Dressing right, having a good relationship with colleagues, behaving appropriately, among other factors, help any employee to be taken seriously.

But there is another point that also makes a difference: the way you speak. A few seemingly innocent sentences can put everything to lose. Career coach Tara Sophia Mohr cites some things that should be eliminated from your everyday speech:

  1. Does this make sense?
    The phrase suggests that you think the person was inconsistent in what he said. Instead, ask: What are your thoughts on this? Tell me more about your ideas.
  2. Actually?
    Beginning the sentence with this expression makes it appear that you are surprised, or disagree with what has been said.
  3. Sorry but?
    Don't apologize for taking up space or having something to say. It gives the impression that you are doing something wrong.
  4. I think?
    ? I think we should go in a different direction ??,? I think the report should be rearranged ?? This word is used when unsure of ideas, and that's bad.
  5. Speak too fast
    Hurry, run with words, accumulate sentences in a long sequence. This happens a lot when a person doesn't want to take up too much time in a meeting or conversation. But the best alternative is always to speak concise sentences, with clear endings, and brief pauses between them.

Via Yahoo Shine

5 Phrases for Becoming Assertive (April 2024)

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