5 reasons to stop eating fried foods

That the fried foods are delicious, this is undeniable. Eliminating them from the diet sometimes becomes sacrificing. But do you know why they are bad? Knowing the harms of eating fried foods can help you cut off this temptation from your menu. Learn why you should stop eating fried foods:

  1. Frying, even with good quality vegetable oils, turns them into a fat that has poor nutritional quality. Many times we are aware only of the oil used and not the time when it fries the food. This factor is also essential. If unavoidable, fry the food with vegetable oil and heat it as soon as possible. Never reuse frying oil for other foods!
  2. Frying promotes the formation of trans fats related to cardiovascular diseases.
  3. The heart is not the only one hurt when you indulge in the pleasures of tasty pastries. Frying can promote the formation of the highly carcinogenic acrolein substance.
  4. Fried foods have inflammatory characteristics, which can lead to abdominal fat accumulation and insulin resistance. What happens? You feel more tired, have less energy, become less fertile and absorb less nutrients from food.
  5. Fats found in frying, when consumed in excess, can cause increased blood pressure and even reduced growth.

So replace the fried foods once and for all with healthy fats on your menu. All these harms are not worth the temptation, right?

Mayo Clinic Minute: Why eating too many fried foods could lead to early death (April 2024)

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