5 Things You Need To Know About Marriage

You may be a modern, independent woman who doesn't want to tie her life to a family's commitments anytime soon, at least not before achieving her career goals. But if you belong to the group of women who still believe in the strength of "till death do us part," you need to know some truths before going to the altar.

1 ? After the charm of the ceremony, there is the routine

When preparing a wedding party, it may seem that your life will always be this crazy rush to choose vendors, dresses, and salons. Sure, maybe not so much and it may be obvious, but the plethora of things that need to be resolved before a marriage ends when it takes place. So after the magic of the big day and the honeymoon, you and your beloved will live days of pure routine. They will work, they will return from work, they will (or will not) go to college, they will come back, and that is it. Just like when you were single.

2 ? Sex may not be as frequent as you expected

If you have been dating for some time and do not live with your boyfriend, you may think this statement is crazy, after all you would like to be able to get over all this desire for each other. However, what many couples experience after marriage is a decrease in the frequency of sex.

This is a normal situation, and believe me, it will probably not be a source of anger or hurt between the couple. It turns out that the work and daily tasks required by a home are very energy intensive, which you need to recover by resting more than ever before.

3? The defects of being loved become even more apparent.

If you already have a disagreement over one particular defect, prepare to exercise patience. With an infinitely greater closeness, which is a consequence of sharing a house with someone, it will be even more difficult to ignore those habits and manias of the chosen one. Similarly, on his side, things will not be easier. Imagine arguing every day for the same reasons; or control yourself every day so as not to argue about it.

4? Do not go to bed without making up? it's utopia

You may have heard this phrase. Our grandparents, and perhaps even our mothers, love to say it to us. But, unfortunately, this is boring advice. Not all relationship issues need to be resolved the same day they appear. It is necessary to cool the head before making decisions or even putting the issue on the agenda. This avoids unnecessary conflicts that, after a good night's sleep, will look just like that: unnecessary. Yes, go to sleep without making up when you feel it is necessary, and let sleep do its work to calm your spirits.

5? The things that united you will become even stronger.

Why did you get married? Why do you like the same kind of music? Why do they have common interests? Why do you both want to have a big family? These silly-looking details will make the biggest difference after marriage. The things that have united you two will become even stronger over time and, if they are really solid, possibly responsible for "until death do us part."


  • Marriage, Relationships
  • 1,230