6 best fruits for health and beauty in summer

To maintain a beautiful and healthy body in the summer it is important to adopt a balanced diet, which is allied with fruits, able to perfectly meet the body's demand for a lighter diet rich in fluid intake.

The fruits, besides satisfying the hunger in a refreshing and low calorie form, because they have a high content of water and mineral salts in their composition, replace the electrolytes lost during perspiration caused by the intense summer heat, allowing the regulation of body hydration. , the pH of the blood the proper functioning of neurons and muscles.

Therefore, consuming fruit is the ideal attitude for those who want to have the body well nourished in vitamins and minerals and hydrated, which prevents health problems and express all its beauty.

Grape and Mango: Energy in the Outdoors

Those who are in the mood to get in touch with nature by doing activities such as walking and cycling, or even playing sports on the beach or in parks, should seek to eat fruits such as grapes and mangoes.

The grape is rich in sugar and has in its composition nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium, which together are the perfect formula to keep the body well.

"One of the most important components of grapes is resveratrol, which protects our cells with an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and beneficial circulatory system action, which should be up to date for those who want to remain free from sedentary lifestyle." says nutritionist Isabella Peixoto.

Mango is also on the list of partner fruits for those intending to enjoy the summer with a commitment to keep the body moving, as it contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B5, phosphorus, calcium, iron, protein, fat and carbohydrates, which increase body endurance and strengthen bones.

Avocado and Watermelon: Moisturizing Skin and Hair

One of the major concerns in summer is to keep hair and skin hydrated, especially because during this period both are subjected to situations that can cause damage, such as bathing in the salty sea or chlorine-filled waters of swimming pools and Excessive sun exposure.

Moisturizing skin and hair is not only through the use of beauty products, but also through good nutrition, so consuming fruits such as avocado and watermelon is a good choice.

Avocado is rich mainly in vitamin E, monounsaturated fats and mineral salts, which allow to maintain, even in the face of the heat season, silky and hydrated hair and skin free from premature aging.

Watermelon, rich in vitamins A, C and B, has 90% of its pulp made of water and helps the body to detoxify, keeping the hair full of shine. The lycopene contained in this fruit is also an excellent aid in combating free radicals, harmful substances that cause the skin to lose firmness and elasticity.

Melon and Papaya: Tanned Skin and Regular Digestion

Vitamin A, melon and papaya is great for those who want to get that little color in the summer because it helps keep the tan intense. Another benefit of the two fruits, which are made up of almost the same substances, is improved bowel function due to both melon cellulose and papaya fibers and enzymes.

Consuming fruits is very easy and has no restriction of situation throughout the day, as juices, salads and sweets can be prepared with these wonders that nature offers for your health and beauty.

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  • Diet, Fitness, Diets, Summer
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