6 Bizarre Pet Superstitions

For thousands of years, superstitions about dogs and cats have guided the behavior of many people who, believing in these myths, prefer not to risk their luck. In addition to the belief that crossing a black cat can bring bad luck, and that a howling dog can mean the imminence of a death, there are several other superstitions around the world that we do not yet know. Meet some of them:

  1. Black cats bring good luck
    Unlike most places in Britain, a bride and groom who meet a black cat on their wedding day usually celebrate. That's because they say in the region that meeting black cats on the big day can ensure a happy marriage. Sailors who have a black cat on board also often attribute the fact to good luck over there.
  2. A cat in a crib protects babies
    This myth is common in Russia, and has the justification that cats help ward off evil spirits, which can harm the baby's life.
  3. Bringing the cat out the window will prevent it from running away
    In some countries, it is said that when you make a change, you must bring your cat home through one of the windows, so that it will never run away. In some regions, they say that by putting butter on their paws, the same problem can also be avoided.
  4. Cats have seven lives
    Because of cats' incredible survivability, such as their keen senses, speed, agility, and an arsenal of sharp teeth and claws, it is very common to assign seven lives to felines instead of one. The impression is that they are constantly defying death.
  5. Dog Licking Has Healing Powers
    In ancient Greece there were many dog ​​temples, known as cynotherapists, which spread the word that dog licking had healing powers. Some dogs may also sniff out for cancer and signs of illness, such as high blood sugar levels, according to speculation. But none of this is proven.
  6. Meeting a dog is a sign of good luck.
    According to folklore around the world, finding a dog with a white spot, or even a Dalmatian, and following it, means that she will be very lucky in her life. Even luckier if the person adopts it!

7 of the Strangest Polish Superstitions : Episode 6 (April 2024)

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