6 Habits That Can Prevent Memory Loss

When we talk about memory loss, it soon comes to mind Alzheimer's, a generative brain disease that affects about one million people in Brazil, especially between 60 and 90 years old.

But, as Ivan Okamoto, neurologist at the Albert Einstein Hospital Memory Center, points out, it is important to understand the difference between the disease and? Memory loss? age, which is due to aging. ? In fact, we should not call it a? Loss? of memory, but of a? change? of memory, which starts to be processed more slowly, from 60 to 65 years ?, he says. In this second case, there is no point in talking about preventive methods, as this is a natural process.

Regarding Alzheimer's disease, Ivan Okamoto points out that there is still nothing fully proven, but some studies suggest that some habits (mentioned below) seem to be related to its prevention:

1. Physical Activities

Among the many benefits that physical activity offers is also keeping our brain healthy.

"Many studies have indicated that disease prevention is related to the practice of aerobic physical activity at least three times a week," explains neurologist Okamoto.

2. Balanced Power

Still according to the doctor, maintain a well-balanced diet? with the balanced presence of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins etc. ? seems important to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

? It is believed that associating physical activities with a good diet, with the presence of vegetables and fish? containing omega 3 - without abuse of carbohydrates and other foods, is important for the prevention of disease?, highlights Ivan Okamoto.

3. Prevention of vascular risk factors

The neurologist adds that, people who? Protect themselves? against diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cholesterol? considered vascular risk factors? They are also in the way of trying to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

For this, in addition to a balanced diet associated with physical activities, it is very important to make regular visits to doctors and perform all examinations requested by professionals.

4. Keep intellectual activity active

You may have heard that doing crossword puzzles and playing chess are important measures that can help prevent memory loss. Neurologist Ivan Okamoto explains that this is not a myth, but is within a broader idea: to keep intellectual activity active, balanced with leisure.

Crossword puzzles, chess, video games can even help. But I still suggest going to the movies, reading, watching theater shows. Is all this within the idea of ​​maintaining intellectual activity? Explains the doctor.

5. Treat a case of depression correctly

According to neurologist Okamoto, unhealed depression may be associated with complaints of poor concentration and later memory.

Therefore, in cases of depression, the problem should be treated with medical attention and the person should never ignore this issue, let alone self-medicate.

6. Sleep well

“It is during sleep that we consolidate our memories. That is, it is built, organized during this period ?, explains the neurologist Okamoto. This is why it is very important to have a good night's sleep.

What to avoid?

Ivan Okamoto emphasizes that it is essential to avoid alcohol, drugs and some medications. Even the act of self-medication. Because these habits interfere with the ability to concentrate and may be related to memory loss.

Alzheimer's Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The first signs of Alzheimer's disease are memory loss and altered behavior of the individual. But it is worth noting that it is not any memory loss that is worrying, but rather the one that recurs and begins to compromise the person's daily life.

The diagnosis is made with the medical interview and the exclusion of other diseases through blood and imaging tests (tomography or magnetic resonance).

As for treatment, there are currently medications that stabilize the disease or slow the rate of functional loss by about five years or more, thus offering more time with quality of life to the patient and family.

Now you know more about the disease, and especially that a well-balanced diet, associated with the prevention of vascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, obesity) and the practice of aerobic physical activity at least three times a week is the best way to try to prevent the disease.

Preventing Cognitive Decline and Dementia: A Way Forward (April 2024)

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