6 sleep benefits for your life

Sleeping is one of the most beneficial activities for human health, according to a series of studies conducted around the world. Science, in fact, still seeks to understand what leads the body to such regenerating states during sleep hours, but the fact is that the human organism needs these hours to function properly, performing the various vital functions. For this reason, perhaps, we get so irritable and irritable when we get little sleep.

Some sleep benefits may be felt in the long run, but others are quite noticeable in everyday life, such as those listed below.

1. Who sleeps more, remembers more and better

Apparently, people who can devote more hours to sleep each day have a more powerful and detailed memory.

Some studies even indicate that learning a new skill is most beneficial when you can combine study with sleep because the brain better absorbs what it has learned, as if it practiced new knowledge while you sleep.

2. Who sleeps more lives longer

If you have heard your grandmother or older person say that each night of lost sleep is one week less than life, know that the essence of that statement is quite correct.

According to a 2010 study involving women aged 50 to 79 years, the researchers found that there were more deaths among those who slept less.

3. Those who sleep more are less likely to suffer from various illnesses.

Once again, surveys speak for themselves. One has shown that the inflammatory proteins in the blood are higher in people who sleep poorly. These proteins are directly related to problems such as stroke, arthritis, premature aging and heart disease, for example.

4. Who sleeps more is more creative

Needless to say, a rested mind works better. Just look at what happens when you are trying to solve a complicated problem at the end of a tiring day: things just can't seem to be solved, but a good night's sleep just makes it clear as water and you can finally get rid of it. . The same goes for creativity? During sleep, the brain recovers from the information gained during the day and can find new hypotheses for many things.

5. Who sleeps more gets better grades

Sometimes, no matter how much a subject is studied, it seems that the mind simply cannot assimilate it. What you have to do in these cases is go to sleep instead of wasting many hours of sleep insisting on the matter. Research has shown that students acting this way get better grades.

6. Who sleeps more weighs less

Yes, even in weight loss sleep can help. This is because the brain sector responsible for sleep is the one that governs metabolism. When do you feel sleepy? and go to sleep - the brain interprets this as if you were hungry and suddenly eating. Sleep satiety is as important as eating, therefore.

What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | The Human Body (March 2024)

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