6 ways to make your room a healthier place

Sleeping well is essential to maintaining good physical and psychological health. Precisely for this reason, your room should be free of elements that could hinder your rest? and we are not just talking about the neighbor who listens to music in the last volume and disturbs his nights.

There are some simple habits that can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep. Get to know them and try to put them into practice to make your room a healthier environment:

1. Put the electronics aside

We know that it is very common to take the phone to bed and give that last social check before bed, but this habit disturbs your sleep.

The screens of devices such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks emit a kind of light that stimulates the brain, making it take you longer to fall asleep and having a busier night, which damages your beauty and health.

Plus, it's worth unplugging TV sets and other electronics from the wall outlet to reduce electromagnetic pollution in your room.

Read also: 10 Essentials for a More Comfortable and Functional Room

2. Open the window every day

When you wake up, try to open your bedroom window for at least 10 minutes to allow it to be ventilated. In addition to changing the? Addicted air? And renewing the atmosphere of your space, this habit helps counteract the development of mold, which can damage your furniture and clothing, and cause allergies.

3. Change sheets all week

Anyone who has had the privilege of sleeping in brand new sheets knows how this provides an unrivaled sense of relaxation. Of course it is not feasible to buy sheets as often as this, but you can at least change them every week.

By doing so, you get rid of dead cells, dust grains, dust mites and other microorganisms that feed on sweat and skin debris, making your bed much healthier. Blankets and bedspreads should also be washed frequently.

4. Put plants in the environment

More than just decorating your room, plants help purify the environment by turning carbon dioxide into oxygen and promote a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

For this you should choose species that adapt well indoors such as lavender, jasmine, areca, orchid and aloe vera.

Read also: 20 Simple Decorating Tricks to Transform Your Home

5. Keep snacks out of the room

Many people like to keep some chocolaties in the closet, while others have such a hectic routine that they end up eating some meals in the bedroom.

However, these are not very healthy habits, as it is inevitable that some sharps fall to the floor or bed, attracting insects like ants and cockroaches. If you do not resist, try to clean up any traces of food, throw the packaging away and get the dirty dishes out of the room as soon as possible.

6. Make your space well organized

If your life is a complete mess, start by getting things in order in your room. Make the bed, store clothes and shoes, and throw away unused paper that is thrown over the furniture.

In addition to ease of cleaning, you'll make room for a new decor, leaving photos and special objects in a prominent position. Organizing your new space will provide a more serene environment so you can relax after a hard day.

Remember that your room is your sanctuary. This is where you renew your energies to face routine and find inspiration to bring about positive change in your life. Having a clean and organized environment will contribute to your sleep, your health and your overall quality of life.

Read also: 15 plants to grow at home and improve the air quality you breathe

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