7 HIIT Benefits That Will Convince You To Begin This Activity

Practicing physical activities is good for the body and health. That is why each person, in his own way and within his limits, must exercise. But it is not always possible, especially due to lack of time, which causes many to end up in a sedentary lifestyle.

One mode that may be of interest to those who have a busier and busier life is the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) system, which offers many benefits in a short time.

As its name suggests, HIIT is characterized by high intensity exercises performed in very short periods, interspersed with moments of rest and recovery. The sequences are repeated for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Besides being useful for those who have little time to exercise, HIIT workouts are one of the best forms of cardiovascular activity. Know the other benefits of this type of training:

1. Burn fat even when you stop training

This is due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, which, in the case of HIIT, makes burning up to nine times faster. The way this practice increases metabolism burns up to 50% more fat than a regular cardio workout, even if the exercises are done for long periods of time.

Read also: HIIT Workout Combines Short, Intense Weight Loss Aerobics

2. Develops more muscle and maintains better muscle mass

While stimulating the burning and use of fat and calories, HIIT exercises also produce muscle building hormones, helping to develop lean mass. These exercises are better for this than regular ones because prolonged exercises can end up? Burning muscle? to be used by the body as fuel.

3. Improves blood circulation and symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Studies have shown that intense interval training, such as HIIT, aids blood flow and blood vessel dilation. The effects were even better with people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers realized that those who do HIIT workouts have better glucose levels than sedentary people and those who do other types of exercise.

4. Strengthens cardiovascular activity and increase endurance

Working on heart rate and oxygen consumption during HIIT workouts strengthens the heart and improves cardiovascular activity and oxygen intake. This increases overall endurance and training capacity, so less recovery time is required over time.

5. Prevents aging and will make you live longer

Recent research has suggested that HIIT exercises can reverse signs of cell aging, which is achieved by improving protein production and synthesis, which in turn also help combat signs of aging.

6. Improves Parkinson's Strains

Studies at the University of Alabama have shown that HIIT can improve the motor functions, quality of life and mood of Parkinson's patients. This still needs to be further researched, but it has already been noted improvements in patients' control, balance and sense of well-being compared with similar age patients who did not undergo high intensity training.

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7. Expand Your Limits

Each time you exercise with a HIIT workout, you are increasing your physical limit, even for just a few moments. Because of this, your workouts are never tiring or boring and, without realizing it, will increase your stamina and improve your health in no time.

The most important thing before you start practicing is to consult a doctor, especially if you have never done any high intensity training before. If you are free, seek a personal to guide you, as some exercises are complicated and should not be done without professional supervision.

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