7 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make in Your Resume

O curriculum plays a fundamental role in anyone's working life. Through it, a job seeker can convince the recruiter that he has the ideal profile to fill the position.

However, many people still do not care about the content and quality of the information at the time of writing the curriculum and ends up making slips. Meet now 7 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make in Your Resume and check out helpful tips for avoiding gaffes.

1 ? Beware of grammar and spelling

Portuguese mistakes are a very serious fault and can cause your resume to be dropped. In addition, they show unpreparedness and lack of concern. If you have questions when writing information, consult the dictionary or ask someone for help.

2 ? Outdated Data

Personal information must always be up to date, especially phone and email. After all, if you are interested in the job, you will surely be waiting for the contact of the company. With incorrect data, you risk missing a good job opportunity.

3? Excess Information

Just give your resume only basic information about your professional profile, without adding too much information. Document numbers such as ID, CPF and Voter Title, information such as stature, eye color or shoe number are totally irrelevant when hiring or not hiring a candidate, so they should not be included in the resume.

4? Too many ornaments

a good resume It doesn't have to be long, or have special or colored paper to get attention. Instead of making a good impression, you can give the image of those who don't have much to say about their professional characteristics, so they embellished the resume with the intent to disguise it.

The most appreciated resumes? and more likely to please recruiters? They are those that bring well-summarized information and allow the interviewer to easily analyze the candidate. The simpler the better.

5? Lack of professional purpose

When stating what your professional purpose is, be specific to only one position you wish to serve. Otherwise, the recruiter will have the impression that you do not have a definite goal.

6? Salary

It is preferable to leave to negotiate the wage claim at the time of the interview. Putting value on the resume can cause the candidate to miss the opportunity to negotiate better value and benefits. In addition, the resume can be dropped even before the interview.

7? Termination of previous employment

Like wage claims, information about the reasons that led to the departure of previous companies should never be included in the curriculum. Ideally, issues of this nature should be discussed in the interview if questioned by the interviewer. Speaking badly about your last job is not worth it either.

Top 10 Resume Mistakes - How NOT To Write A Resume (March 2024)

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