7 seeds good for your health

Suddenly the seeds were everywhere in our food. They are also found in drinks, creams, soaps, and many other items with various functions. This is because they are related to the health and beauty of the body. Learn about the benefits of including some of the main seeds in your diet:

  1. Pomegranate to lose weight
    The juicy seed of this sweet fruit is a true calorie killer. Is it full of antioxidants and vitamin C? that has the power to burn fat.
  2. Hemp for toned muscles
    It is one of the few vegetarian sources of complete protein, meaning it contains all the key amino acids for muscle building and calorie burning. Sprinkle some seed into a post workout shake for a delicious flavor.
  3. Chia for strong bones
    This seed is a powerful source of calcium. Just two tablespoons of it offer the same amount of calcium as a slice of cheese. Mix in milk and taste this healthy delicacy.
  4. Pumpkin for more energy
    Pumpkin Seed has minerals that provide extra energy to your body. Try to eat it for breakfast and experience greater disposition throughout the day.
  5. Sesame for a healthy heart
    The rich seed contains linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, which can help control harmful cholesterol. Toasting the seed amplifies the flavor and makes it crispy for use in salads.
  6. Flax for cancer prevention
    Flax seed has components, such as lignans and omega-3, that decrease the risk of cancer. This is because such acids reduce possible inflammation that causes the disease.
  7. Wheat germ for digestion
    Does this slightly sweet seed, which is contained in a small part of a grain of wheat, contain a substance called inulin? A type of fiber that helps maintain good digestion. Use for the preparation of cakes and breads.

7 Healthiest seeds & Health benefits; Check out here | Boldsky (April 2024)

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