7 Things You Should Never Do With Your Vagina

Are the vulva and vagina extremely sensitive organs? and we're not just talking about the plethora of nerve endings in the clitoris, which accounts for much of the female pleasure.

Beyond of this sensitivity, our genital region is also susceptible to the action of cosmetic products, the presence of microorganisms from other parts of the body and many other apparently innocent agents such as water.

This is because the vulva and vagina are covered by a very thin and delicate mucosa, and the protective barrier it offers can easily be broken by inappropriate habits. Here are 7 of these practices you should leave behind to preserve the health of your genitals:

1. Wear absorbent everyday

The so-called "daily tampons" They are designed to contain the flow at the beginning and end of the menstrual period and should not be used every day. This habit increases the temperature and humidity of the genital region, turning its vulva and vagina into a very inviting environment for the proliferation of disease-causing microorganisms.

If it is absolutely necessary to use tampons every day, it is recommended to change them every four hours. However, the ideal is to allow your vagina to breathe more freely.

Read also: 7 Facts About The Vagina That Every Woman Should Know

2. Make vaginal showers

Many women think that having a shower inside the vagina is a good hygiene habit, but this is not true. Doing this over-cleaning can result in a great imbalance in the vaginal flora: beneficial bacteria are eliminated, making room for disease-causing organisms to multiply.

Some gynecologists even claim that the vaginal shower increases the risk of inflammatory pelvic disease and bacterial vaginosis. Thus, the best way to sanitize the genital region is to wash it only externally with water and mild soap.

3. Finding the natural odor unpleasant

Every vagina has a characteristic odor and this is completely normal for an organ full of secretory glands. Attempting to eliminate this natural odor with the use of scented deodorants, intimate soaps, or tampons may end up causing irritation to the vaginal region.

You should only worry if your vagina suddenly smells stronger than usual and if it is accompanied by itching, burning, or discharge that is different from the normal discharge you are used to.

4. Pass the toilet paper backwards

One of the biggest health threats to the vagina is located very close to it: the bacteria in the anus. Although these microorganisms do not cause major problems in the anal region, they can cause serious infections in the genitals.

Read also: Vaginal discharge: Ask questions and learn to identify each type

Therefore, when cleaning after urinating or defecating, it is important to always use toilet paper from the vagina and towards the anus, not the other way around, avoiding carrying fecal bacteria into the vulva.

5. Do vaginal spraying

One practice that has become popular is vagina vaporization. This technique involves the use of special seats or bowls containing very hot water and some plants, so that the steam is directed to the vaginal canal for the purpose of "cleaning the womb".

The problem is that, since the woman does not wear underwear during this practice, the vagina is exposed to vapors at temperatures likely to cause burns or irritation. Also, the uterus does not need to undergo? Cleanings? ? one more reason why the technique is quite contested by gynecologists.

6. Use petroleum jelly as a lubricant

Vaseline and other products containing petrolatum in their composition should not be used as intimate lubricants, as they can cause irritation and infection and damage the condom's latex, impairing protection.

In addition to petroleum jelly, it is not indicated to use creams, soaps, butter, vegetable or mineral oils and other products not developed exclusively for the genital region. Even better is to use a water-based lubricant, which does not react with condoms and is hypoallergenic.

Read also: 7 vaginal problems and how to deal with each of them

7. Using food directly in the vulva during sexual intercourse

It is very common to find tips suggesting the use of condensed milk, whipped cream, syrups and other food products as a way to innovate during sexual intercourse.However, when they are applied to the vulva or transported to the vagina with penetration, their high sugar content can damage the vaginal flora, paving the way for irritation and infection.

To ensure the health of your genitals, you can opt for flavored products developed specifically for this region, or use food on other parts of the body.

Remember that the lining of the vulva is very thin and sensitive, so that even something seemingly harmless can end up causing damage to the genitals. If you are experiencing any kind of itching, burning or burning or you notice a change in vaginal odor or discharge, it is always recommended to consult your gynecologist as soon as possible.

7 Things You Should Never Do to Your Vagina (April 2024)

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