7 Ways To Lower Your Risks Of Developing Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second type of cancer to register the largest number of cases worldwide. In Brazil, according to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), only non-melanoma skin cancer affects more people. In 2010, according to information from the Institute, the country registered 49,000 new cases of the disease, as well as 12,852 deaths due to it.

The high numbers tracing the profile of breast cancer in Brazil are largely a consequence of the late diagnosis of most cases.

Self-examination, besides mammography after 35 years? the age from which the largest number of cases are recorded - are critical in fighting the disease, as well as maintaining a healthy diet and controlling weight.

Clinical nutritionist and doctor of traditional natural medicine, Michelle Schoffro Cook, points out important changes in diet for those who want to keep this disease away.

1 ? Eat more fiber

Fiber, according to Cook, binds to various harmful substances in the intestines and "conducts" them. out of the body. Giving preference to whole grains, increasing bean consumption, including almonds on the menu and eating flaxseed are just a few examples of how to eat more fiber.

2 ? Give preference to raw vegetables

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage should preferably be eaten raw. When cooked, they lose much of their beneficial properties. In these cases, in particular, there is a high concentration of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is a phytonutrient capable of eliminating excess estrogen from the body, thus reducing the chances of cancer onset.

3? Reduce the presence of animal fat in the diet.

In a UK study, animal fat was linked to a greater onset of breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

4? Increase Omega 3 Fatty Acid Consumption

Omega 3 fights substances called inflammatory protaglandins, which negatively influence the ability of the immune system to identify tumors. Omega 3 is present in flaxseed, flaxseed oil, various fish and raw walnuts, for example.

5? Give preference to organic products

Are pesticides considered responsible for several diseases? and not just breast cancer. Therefore, whenever possible, try to consume organic products whose proven free origin of these pesticides.

6? Watch Your Selenium Consumption

Research at the University of Arizona points out that selenium supplementation can halve cancer risks. Selenium can be found in large quantities in Brazil nuts and, in smaller quantities, in salmon, wheat, sunflower seeds and beef liver, for example.

7? Drink green tea

Epigallocatechin gallate, a substance abundant in green tea, reduces free radicals and thus lowers the chances of cancer. If you have not included green tea in your diet? although much has been said about its health benefits? This is a good excuse to do so.

5 ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer (April 2024)

  • Cancer, Prevention and Treatment
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