8 Most Toxic Chemicals in Your Home

You may never have heard of endocrine disruptors or disruptors, but is it possible that you have read recently about the ban on Bisphenol A (BPA) bottles? substance present in polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin, and which is associated with various health problems.

Endocrine disruptors are substances that are in the environment and have action on the human endocrine system. According to Cristiane Kochi, member of SBEM-SP (Regional São Paulo of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology), this action can occur by different mechanisms. These disrupters can be natural or synthetic and these substances accumulate in the environment and enter our bodies through air, water, food packaging and other products used at work and at home. In addition, can deregulators have passage through the placenta and breast milk ?, explains.

Patrícia Peschel Alves Silva, an endocrinologist at Clínica Sete in Curitiba, points out that these substances are deleterious to endocrine function, acting on receptors, synthesis or signaling pathways of these hormones. "This can impair growth, development, reproductive function, immune system, neurological system and even be related to cancer development," he says. "They can be found in pesticides, electronics, cosmetics, plastics, personal care items, food, etc.," he adds.

According to Patrícia Silva, the major concern is regarding the potential effects of early, intrauterine disruptor exposure on infants, children, adolescents and pregnant women. "New studies report effects on children's neural development, genital malformation in boys, attention deficit / hyperactivity in children, precocious puberty, reproductive disorders and endocrine-related cancers (prostate, breasts, thyroid) and other disorders," he says. .

Endocrinologist Patricia points out that there are about 800 chemicals known or suspected to be capable of interfering with hormonal function, but only a few of them have been investigated in tests to identify their effects. And the biggest problem is that since some substances are widespread in the soil, air, it is difficult to avoid them.

Below is a list of names and information on where some endocrine disruptors are found:

1. Perchlorate

Chemical substance present in fireworks, fertilizers, explosives. It can act negatively on the formation of thyroid hormone, which may lead to hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormone). It is very soluble in water and milk and, in lactating cases, can affect the baby's thyroid function ?, says Patrícia Silva.

How to avoid: One way to avoid perchlorate water would be to opt for reverse osmosis filters.

2. Lithium

Metal that rapidly oxidizes in air and water, metal alloys, batteries and is also used to treat bipolar disorders. "It can cause hypothyroidism (decreases the formation of thyroid hormones), changes in parathyroid and diabetes insipidus," says endocrinologist Patrícia.

How to avoid: Never take medicines without medical advice. The substance in them, if swallowed unnecessarily and irregularly, can be fatal.

3. Dioxins

They are unintended by-products of various industrial processes. Due to the great ease of spreading through the atmosphere, waters and rivers, they are now diffusely present on the globe. It takes years to centuries to be degraded and can be recycled in the environment ?, says Patrícia Silva.

According to the endocrinologist, the most potent dioxin is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Humans are exposed to dioxins through food, meat, fish and dairy products. The International Agency for Cancer Research classifies TCDD as a well-known human carcinogen, related to all types of cancer, being a multisite carcinogen. There are studies that still correlate it with endometriosis ?, adds and endocrinologist.

How to avoid: One way to avoid them would be to reduce the consumption of animal products, which are more likely to be contaminated with dioxin in industries.

4. Atrazine

According to Patrícia Silva, the chemical pesticide atrazine is found in water and food, and is related to the increased incidence of obesity in children. In addition, there are studies that associate it with Parkinson's syndrome.

How to avoid: Consuming more organic foods and buying a water filter that removes atrazine are some ways to avoid it.

5. Phthalates

Diffuse product on the planet, phthalates are used in the manufacture of flexible vinyl plastics. Human exposure occurs through ingestion, inhalation, through the skin. There are studies showing association with early menopause due to still uncertain mechanisms. Is there any other evidence of altered semen quality ?, explains endocrinologist Patrícia.

How to avoid: To try to avoid it, a tip would be to decrease contact with plastic containers, toys and phthalate-containing toiletries.

6. Bisphenol A (BPA)

According to Patrícia Silva, Bisphenol A is a substance used to make polycarbonate? which gives rise to hardened, transparent plastic - being used in the manufacture of baby bottles, plastic bottles, baby cups and various plastic products. "It is also present in epoxy resin that coats food cans and packaging for added preservation and dental sealants," says the endocrinologist.

BPA has an estrogen-like structure (female hormone) and can reprogram cells and cause health damage. Human studies correlate elevated BPA blood levels with obesity, thyroid problems, infertility, asthma, heart disease, and neurological disorders. Animal studies show that BPA can cause cancer ?, says Patricia.

Endocrinologist Cristiane Kochi points out that recently, Anvisa has banned the use of BPA bottles in Brazil. ? Important action to reduce the exposure of children to this substance ?, considers.

In 2010, SBEM-SP launched the campaign? Say no to Bisphenol A, doesn't life have a plan B? to ban the substance from children's products and food packaging. The guidelines for avoiding the substance are:

  • Use bottles and glassware or BPA Free for babies;
  • Never heat microwaveable beverages and food wrapped in plastic. Bisphenol A is released in larger quantities when the plastic is heated;
  • Avoid freezing food and beverages wrapped in plastic. Compound release is also more intense when there is a cooling of the plastic;
  • Avoid plates, cups and other plastic utensils. Choose glass, porcelain and stainless steel when storing drinks and food;
  • Discard chipped or scratched plastic utensils. Avoid washing them with strong detergents or placing them in the dishwasher;
  • If you use plastic containers to pack food or beverages, avoid those that have the recycling symbols with numbers 3 and 7 inside and on the back of the package. They indicate that the package contains or may contain BPA in its composition.

Patrícia Silva points out that, despite the ban on bottles with BPA, made by Anvisa, it is essential to observe if other plastic packaging does not contain the substance, ie, if they are "BPA Free".

7. Lead

Lead is a heavy metal found in paint, batteries and aviation gasoline. It can contaminate soils and thereby crops and water tables. Workers in the battery, construction and plastics industries are the most exposed to it. Normally, the exposure is chronic, but can be acute if in larger quantities? Explains endocrinologist Patricia.

Can exposure to lead cause inhibition of an enzyme needed to make the heme radical? important for the formation of red blood cells - causing anemia. It can accumulate in thyroid, adrenal, testis, ovaries and pituitary gland. Can it cause hypothyroidism due to altered pituitary gland, decreased semen quality and quantity, and testicular atrophy? "Crossing the placental barrier can reach the baby's central nervous system, causing encephalopathy and may increase the rate of miscarriage and malformation," adds Patricia.

How to avoid: One way would be to keep your home always clean and well maintained. Old paint disintegration can be a major source of lead exposure. A good quality water filter can also reduce exposure to lead in drinking water.

8. Mercury

According to Patrícia Silva, mercury is also a heavy metal with affinity for enzymes, hemoglobin, proteins. It can contaminate water and food like fish. It accumulates in the pancreas, testis and prostate. Causes menstrual changes, less ovulation.Is it teratogenic, crosses the placental barrier and breast milk and increases the risk of miscarriages ?, explains the endocrinologist. "Mercury can also cause hearing and visual impairment, dizziness and headache," adds the doctor.

How to avoid:Always check the source of the fish you consume and use a good water filter at home.

Endocrinologist Cristiane Kochi points out that several medical societies around the world have been using the precautionary principle regarding deregulators. That is, there is concern about the potential deleterious effects on our organism, but not yet scientifically proven. It would be important, therefore, to try to reduce exposure to these substances, especially of our children ?, concludes.

That way, everyone can start doing their part, at least avoiding children's contact with BPA. Also, it is interesting to talk to your trusted doctor about these substances and follow possible guidelines to avoid exposure to them.

5 of the World's Most Dangerous Chemicals (April 2024)

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