8 Unusual Foods To Take Care Of Your Health

Some recent research on nutrition has shown surprising results! The good news is that some simple everyday foods can be very nutritious, prevent disease and boost your health! The list below brings together the best tips to make your diet even healthier. Check out:

1. Boost Your Tea

A simple cup of lemon tea already has health benefits, and can become even more nutritious if you add a special ingredient: honey. The drink is rich in antioxidants (which help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer), and honey can boost this activity by up to 44%! Not surprising?

2. Chocolate that heals

New research has indicated that consuming dark chocolate, as well as other cocoa products, can help keep the heart healthy and lower blood pressure. This is because these foods are rich in flavonoids. The average reduction is 2.8 points in systolic pressure and 2.2 points in diastolic pressure. The numbers are not too high, but if you are nearing the high blood pressure limit, they can help you stay away from medications. It doesn't take much: a small tablet of dark chocolate or three tablespoons of cocoa powder a day is enough.

3. The power of cinnamon

Cinnamon is already known for its thermogenic effects. But its benefits don't stop there! A recent study has revealed that it can also help keep blood sugar levels stable. This means less glucose spikes and therefore a controlled appetite. Study volunteers added about 2 ½ teaspoons of the delicacy to breakfast, but consuming cinnamon throughout the day is also effective.

4. Feeding the mood

A British study found that people who eat more fruits and vegetables have higher levels of "mental well-being". And the amount doesn't have to be outrageous: Has the happiness meter peaked at about seven servings a day? one serving can be only six orange slices.

5. Tomatoes to the heart

People with a tomato-rich diet have a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease, a study by Tufts University revealed. The holy remedy comes from lycopene, an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their color and becomes even more concentrated in the sauces. In an 11-year study, those who ate the most lycopene had a 25 percent lower risk of developing these diseases. Watermelon is also a great source of this nutrient.

6. Healthy Heart

As if flavor were not enough, here is a good reason to add berries to your snacks: a Harvard study of 90,000 women found that those who ate at least three servings of strawberries or blueberries (known as blueberries) a week had a 32% lower risk of heart attack than women who ate only once a month or less. What makes them so good? The same substance that gives the pigment is responsible for making blood vessels more flexible and reducing blood pressure.

7. The Benefits of Foil

Fresh basil, when added to salads, sauces and soups, can add a whole special flavor. But that's not just your strong point! It is also rich in antioxidants and essential oils, which help in fighting disease. But to boost health, try to consume it fresh. Recent research has indicated that the herb may lose a third or more of its health-friendly polyphenols in the drying process alone. Of course, dried grass is still a healthy choice, but whenever you can, bet on the fresh version.

8. Correcting Sugar

Besides being a delicious fruit, mango is a great food as it is rich in polyphenols and carotenoids. In addition, it also helps to improve blood glucose levels. In one study, obese participants who ate about 2/3 cup (about 65 calories) a day for 12 weeks significantly reduced their blood sugar. This is probably due to fruit fiber, which researchers say may slow down sugar absorption.

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