9 Ways Our Hands Can Report Health Issues

Writing, holding objects, typing and handling cutlery are just some of the functions of our hands, which are also often valued for the possibilities of carrying beautiful rings and boasting the myriad of enamel colors.

However, in addition to playing an essential role in our motor coordination and following fashion trends, our hands may indicate that we have a health problem. Know 9 signs that deserve to be investigated:

1. Thumb and index finger pain

Pain, tingling and numbness in the thumbs and index fingers may be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. This problem happens when something causes a swelling in the wrist, reducing blood flow to the nerve that comes from the forearm.

2. Wounds that take a long time to close

Injuries and cuts that take a long time to heal can be a symptom of diabetes. Therefore, if you suffer from wounds that never seem to heal and have observed that you feel more thirsty and wanting to urinate, it is recommended to seek medical attention to investigate your blood sugar levels.

3. Color change in the fingers

The fingers may turn red after spending some time in cold temperatures or doing physical exertion, and this is not a problem. However, when the color change is accompanied by pain, numbness, tingling or itching, it may be a sign of backbone, blood vessel or skin problems.

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4. Excessive Sweat

The palms contain sweat glands, so it is normal for them to sweat under stress or heat. However, if you find that your hands are always damp for apparently no reason, be aware that this is a feature of hyperhidrosis, which can also affect the armpits, feet, face and other parts of the body.

5. Weak and brittle nails

Frequent contact with water, detergents, and other chemicals can make your nails more brittle, but it can also be a consequence of a thyroid problem. If nail changes are accompanied by weakness and joint pain, you should consult your doctor.

6. Your hands are always cold

Constantly cold hands that are pale or bluish in color may indicate circulation or central nervous system problems.

7. Finger tremors

Feeling that your fingers are shaking is a bit unpleasant, as you lose some of your fine motor coordination. If you have carried a lot of weight, this condition will soon disappear. However, if it persists and your fingers shake for no reason, your body may be deficient in vitamin B1, B6, B12 and E.

8. Swelling In The Hands

Persistent swelling may be a sign of vascular diseases that impair blood and lymph circulation. If it is a sporadic condition that disappears in a short time, it may be the result of too much salt in a meal or even a day with very high temperatures.

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9. Bluish Nails

If your nails have turned bluish, you should be wary of problems such as low hemoglobin and anemia. Both are often accompanied by a slight sensation of loss of dexterity in the hands and tingling in the fingers.

If you have any of these symptoms and it persists for several days, it is always advisable to make an appointment to investigate if there is anything behind it. Watch what your hands say about your health!

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