9 Ways To Use Coconut Oil On Your Hair And Enjoy Its Benefits

For some time now coconut oil has turned into a? Darling product? when it comes to health or beauty. Much research has been done to find out the real health benefits of using this oil, but there is no longer any doubt about the benefits it offers to skin and hair.

Marcela Lippi, hair stylist at Studio Tez / Spa for Hair, a specialist in hair therapy at the Brazilian Academy of Trichology, explains that coconut hair helps restore the lipid layer of the hair. "That is, to maintain the natural moisture of the hair, since it has lipids in its composition and creates a protective film," he says.

It is no coincidence that coconut oil is increasingly present in shampoo and conditioner formulas and, above all, has been used in many home recipes to make the hair healthier and naturally beautiful.

But, do you know exactly how to use coconut oil on your hair? Check out the tips below so that you can use the product correctly at home and thus really enjoy the benefits it offers.

1. In a traditional wetting

One of the best known and best ways to use coconut oil in hair is wetting. Does Marcela explain that the oil in this case helps to restore the lipid layer of the yarn? that becomes moist, nourished, soft and shiny. "It even helps improve the texture, especially of curly and Afro," he says.

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Step by step: Coconut oil should be used on dry hair. • Do not use heat source (no dryer or apply hot oil). Apply to length. Take a break time, on average, 4 hours ?, advises Marcela.

• At the time of washing, use conditioner with low Ph, between 3.5 and 4.5, before shampoo. This helps to loosen oil from the wires. No excess shampoo, which can give a rebound effect ?, adds the hair stylist.

2. At night wetting

Marcela explains that because of its density, the absorption of coconut oil by hair is slow. So in some cases it can be used for a "night wet". That is, staying longer hours in the hair.

Step by step: The procedure is the same. You must apply the oil to the length of dry hair. "The difference is that it will let the product act overnight, sleeping using a plastic towel to not fatten the bedding," he says. The next day, the tip is to use conditioner with low Ph, between 3.5 and 4.5, before shampoo.

"But it is worth remembering that some types of hair, especially blond, can have their color changed if you stay with the product on the hair for a long time, after all, the oil oxidizes and therefore can make this color change," says a hair stylist.

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3. Alone in a hydration

Marcela explains that coconut oil, being an oil, gives back some of the shine of dry and dry hair and still moisturizes. "When it's a natural opaque hair, it also has a lot of results," he says.

Step by step: Apply coconut oil directly to the hair length, let it act for a few minutes and then wash normally.

4. With your hydration or nutrition mask

Marcela points out that coconut oil can also be used with a mask of your choice.

Step by step: The hair stylist advises mixing a mask amount equivalent to the size of a mask nut with 1 tsp of the oil. Then just apply to the hair before shampooing and wait a few minutes. Then wash normally.

5. To enhance your traditional hydration

In some cases, coconut oil can be used especially to enhance the hydration mask, so it is applied after shampooing. In this case, it is important to use a small amount of oil to prevent the strands from becoming oily.

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Step by step: Put a few drops of coconut oil directly on the amount of mask you will use. Apply the mixture to previously shampooed (and still damp) hair, let it act as a traditional moisturizer, and then rinse the hair.

6. In an oil blend

According to Marcela, it is also possible to mix coconut oil with other oils, such as avocado oil or grape seed.

Step by step: The procedure is the same. Mix enough (without exaggeration) of each oil to pass the length of the strands (always avoiding the root). Let it act for a few minutes and then wash your hair normally.

7. In homemade masks

Marcela points out that oil can be one of the ingredients of masks made with natural products.

Step by step: coconut oil can be mixed with avocado or aloe pulp (which is also moisturizing) and applied to the strands with a break time. Then wash normally.

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But beware of the hype! • One should use little coconut oil. Excess is harmful as it creates a film around the hair and does not let the hair be hydrated later ?, adds the hair stylist.

8. To control the volume

In some hair types, coconut oil can, among other benefits, help control volume. ? In moistening for curly and Afro hair, it helps to form the curl well and thus minimizes the volume ?, explains Marcela.

Step by step: The procedure is the same as a traditional or nocturnal wetting. Just apply the oil to the full length of dry hair, let it act for a few hours, and then wash.

9. To treat hair ends

Coconut oil can also be used as a special care for the normally drier hair tips.

Step by step: The procedure is basically a "mini-connection". Apply about ½ tablespoon of the oil to the ends of the heads only. Leave on for 15-20 minutes before showering. Then just wash normally.

Now you know that coconut oil really is a great ally when it comes to hair beauty! But its use also requires care because, if used improperly or overly, it can change the color of the hair (especially blond), make the hair excessively oily or even create a film around the hair and not let them be. hydrated afterwards.

For all this, to get the most out of the benefits coconut oil can give your hair, consult a trusted professional before you start using it.

10 Ways to Use Coconut Oil! (April 2024)

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