Blogs Can Serve as a Business Tool

Survey released by HubSpot? company responsible for creating and promoting web content - points out that websites of business institutions that have blogs are 55% more accessed. Allied to dissemination via social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, there is a 160% increase in pages viewed and shared by readers.

For social networking expert Bianca Tavares, “this data proves the strategic efficiency when it comes to disclosure. People who are interested in a certain subject should consider passing their ideas on the Internet, because there is a good chance that this content will be shared by a group that is also interested in the subject and from there, the accesses start to increase more and more? .

So investing in content that catches readers' attention is one of the ways to win fans. Your channel must have credibility. No use playing words without research and really proven facts, because the? Achismo? will not attract advertising attention you intend. Is a profitable blog one of quality ?, he says.

That's how communications agency director Raquel Esteves sought to summarize the work she does at her company for her clients and readers. I realized that business owners who hire a press office do not know exactly how the service works and therefore how to properly track and charge the results. So, I decided to put my knowledge on the blog ?, explains.

And everything seems to have worked. According to Rachel, she found in her blog effective ways to merge all of her portfolios into one channel. "I did it with the goal of making my blog something profitable and I hope to be able to help the press officers in general clarify some issues", comments.

Blog, a working tool

But you need to look at a few things to make sure your channel is successful. First, having well-written content is critical. Regardless of the subject you will address, it is important to rely on expert opinion and research to make your statements more relevant.

If you want to sell artwork to other cities, for example, complying with the deal is critical. To do this, try to make an announcement with some "rules", such as delivery date, payment methods, among others. It's good to remember that a good company needs to meet deadlines to build customer loyalty. Especially when this? Company? for the blog ?, explains Bianca.

Therefore, setting rules, dates, and of course, offering readers credibility is critical for your blog to achieve the expected result and become economically profitable. Do not forget also that it is essential to address news of the theme you intend to work on, after all, only this way, you will attract more followers daily.

Using Evernote as a Web Publishing Tool (April 2024)

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