Botulinum toxin against sweat

Hyperhidrosis, also popularly known as excessive sweating, makes many people uncomfortable in everyday life. It is common for the shirt to get excessively wet in the armpit areas, causing you to limit your movements so bland it gets. And for this problem there is no deodorant that works. But there is solution: the application of botulinum toxin. The effects are so powerful that you will no longer be afraid of environments without air conditioning.

How it works?

Botulinum toxin has the power to nullify the nerve transmission of sweat glands, which are responsible for sweat. Is it as if she unplugged the plug? of sweat production. Among the current options for treating hyperidoris, toxin is the safest and simplest treatment, since it is not a surgery and therefore there is no postoperative period.

Where can injections be given?

Especially in the hands, feet and armpits, which are the regions where the sweat is most intense and that bother you most in daily life. But remember: the hands and feet are areas where the discomfort during application is a little higher, but the result is the same.

How is the application made?

You need to make an appointment with your dermatologist first, so that he can examine it and see where the sweat is most intense. To apply the toxin injections, a local anesthetic is required and then the applications are made.

The procedure can be done in the doctor's office and the patient can return to normal activities on the same day. Just the practice of physical exercises is that you ask for an interval of two days after application, ok?

What is the duration?

Botulinum toxin applications last on average six months. It is necessary to reapply after this period because excessive sweat ends up coming back. The good news is that over applications you can increase the time between each session.

Remember: the effect of the toxin is not immediate, some people may take up to 48 hours to feel the improvement.

Is there a contraindication?

Areas with infection, allergies or injuries should not receive botulinum toxin until they are 100% healthy. During pregnancy and breastfeeding is also not recommended.


As simple as it is to apply the toxin to minimize sweat, you need to consult a trusted doctor. No other professional is indicated for this treatment. Only the dermatologist is aware of the points at which applications should be made.

End of discomfort

Very anxious people, including teenagers, even suffer from excess sweat and the cool thing about this treatment is that the result is fast and long lasting as you continue to apply and is recommended by all doctors. So if you are bothered by hyperhidrosis or feel that your teen suffers from it, make an appointment with your doctor to get them back to normal life without fear of a wet shirt or shirt throughout the day!

Hyperhydrosis (Armpit) BOTOX injection (Botulinum toxin) (March 2024)

  • Skin
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