Bride: Ask your guest list questions

The time has come to prepare the guest list of your wedding and among so many friends, acquaintances and family, some doubts are frequent. However, to avoid "fair skirts", certain measures can and should be taken according to common sense and certain rules of etiquette. Selected some of the biggest questions, ask your questions about the topic:

Should I necessarily invite my boss and co-workers to the ceremony?

The wedding is held to gather close friends of the couple. Therefore, the invitation does not need to be extended to coworkers unless you make a point of having a close person present, which also concerns the boss.

Therefore, to announce the wedding, it is a suggestion to forward an email announcement to co-workers, as well as to include it on the company's notice board. If further explanation is needed, keep in mind that it will be a small ceremony, only for family and close friends.

My mom, dad, mother-in-law have a list of forgotten? that doesn't stop growing. How to deal?

When it comes to your parents, consider how important it would be for them to invite this person or that person to decide. In the case of your mother-in-law, suggest that your future husband resolve the situation by doing the same with your mother. However, setting thresholds on the guest list at first can avoid unpleasant situations.

A close friend asked to take a friend I don't know to the wedding. What to do?

If the number of guests is at the limit, the wedding is intimate, or it makes you uncomfortable, see strategy to explain the situation. However, keep in mind that some people insist on bringing escorts without notice. If this happens, adopt good manners, don't mind too much, treat him or her as another guest and enjoy the party.

A friend broke up. Should I invite your ex wife?

Pay attention to the following questions: Is she your friend? Do you make a point of having her at your wedding? Having answers to such questions will know how to act without even having to consult your friend. If you come to a positive conclusion, invite it. The decision is up to you.

If I am invited to a wedding, am I required to invite the hostess to mine?

Definitely not. Among the many possibilities, the ceremony may have been large, with a high budget allowing it to invite both intimate people and their acquaintances. Moreover, it may be that at the time such an event occurred you were closer than you actually are today. Therefore, inviting her is not a requirement.

Is it impolite to send individual invitations next to the main invitation?

Ceremony and wedding party are intimate events. Therefore, it is possible to restrict the guests to the couple's conviviality. However, watch out for distant relatives such as married people and / or children. Inviting small children is necessary, large children and? Households? It is optional.

Also pay attention to the words of the invitation, delicate and without exaggeration. In the case of RSVP? abbreviation of Répondez S? il Vous Plaît, French expression meaning "Please respond", choose to call a particular person, godmother, advisor or company for questions and confirmations.

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