Broccoli to fight and control diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes They need to follow a controlled diet with at least six split meals throughout the day, giving preference to fiber-rich foods and baked, cooked and grilled foods.

It is also important to carefully check the labels of manufactured products to make sure they contain no sugar (sucrose, glucose) and to consume dietary products with caution, always following medical advice. Other important guidelines are to chew your food well, drink plenty of water.

The menu should also include foods that work as allies in the daily fight against the disease.

One of them is the broccoli, which contributes positively to the reduction of symptoms for those who already have diabetes and plays an important role in preventing the problem.

It is healthy, tasty and yet has the advantage of being low calorie. Among other nutrients, broccoli contains high amounts of calcium and vitamins A and C.

However, the great weapon of the vegetable against diabetes is in the mineral chromium, substance is able to improve the effectiveness of insulin up to a hundred times. In people suffering from type I diabetes, broccoli aids in insulin production and acts by normalizing blood glucose levels and thus to prevent consequences of diabetes such as cataracts, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

For those who have type II diabetes and are not insulin dependent, consuming the vegetable makes the body healthier and thus, it is not necessary to use large amounts of oral antidiabetic drugs.

To take advantage of broccoli benefits, the ideal is to consume the equivalent of a dessert plate. The best way to prepare the vegetable is to boil it for a period of 3 to 5 minutes so that there is no loss of nutrients. Then just add it to salads or other dishes.

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