Burnout Syndrome: How to Identify and Treat the Disease

The work, the daily obligations, the demands, the responsibilities, and the amount of work? be it in personal life, in professional life or both? They end up occupying most of the time and demanding a lot of energy. And all of this can end up breaking the internal balance and triggering stress, which can arise at different levels.

When in small amounts, this stress can even be beneficial as it stimulates the release of adrenaline by the body. But when it's bigger, it can pose a danger as it becomes a gateway to psychological and even physical illnesses such as hypertension, gastritis, as well as anxiety, anger, indifference, depression and discouragement. In more serious and advanced cases, it can lead to psychotic outbreaks or neurotic crises.

In addition to stress, there are other problems that may arise as a result of this intense work pace and daily workload. One of the most widely spoken today is Burnout Syndrome. Although studied in the United States since the 1970s, it is much more evident today.

Burnout syndrome arises mainly in the workplace and is defined as extreme emotional distress that goes beyond stress due to excessive worries, frustrations, attributions and professional pressures.

And it is wrong to think that this syndrome reaches the least motivated with work. On the contrary! Does it often affect just the most involved and those who invest the most in the profession, such as those who work hard or who interact constantly and actively with others? as doctors, nurses, correctional officers, police officers and teachers, among others. Double-working women and caregivers, paid or unpaid, are also at high risk for developing the syndrome.

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Causes of Burnout Syndrome

Psychiatrist Lícia Oliveira, professor at Medcel Preparatory courses for medical residency, explains that emotional tension is one of the characteristics of this syndrome, especially when this tension is caused by work or work related, generating stress and leading to physical, emotional stress. and psychological.

The disease occurs in a set of personality (genetics) and environmental conditions (external factors). Obviously, a person with a more rigid personality who does not tolerate frustrations is more likely to develop it?

Regarding external characteristics, we highlight the poor autonomy in professional performance, relationship problems with managers, relationship problems with colleagues or clients, conflict between work and family, feeling of disqualification and lack of cooperation of the team.

Major physical and emotional symptoms

The professional also explains that the feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion are typical symptoms of the syndrome. This exhaustion can lead to negative attitudes, irritability, sudden changes in mood, as well as reflexes at work, such as absences, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, memory lapses, among other problems. There are also signs of depression with low self-esteem, isolation and pessimism.

She says some physical symptoms may also appear. The most common are headaches and constant tiredness. Also muscle pain, difficulty sleeping, excessive sweating, palpitations and gastrointestinal problems.

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How to treat the problem?

Psychiatrist Lycia explains that the treatment of Burnout Syndrome is performed with psychotherapy, antidepressants and changes in lifestyle, including physical activity, meditation, among others.

How each of these treatments will be conducted will depend on each case, so individual assessment and follow-up of each patient is required.

A novelty that may also help in the treatment of the syndrome is the pharmacogenetic test. Psychiatrist Guido May, CEO of GnTech Lab, explains that this test provides complete data on how medications will be metabolized by that person, increasing the chances of successful prescription of drugs and, consequently, reducing side effects, and improving symptoms.

Most importantly, do not delay seeking treatment. "If you notice any symptoms of the syndrome, whether physical or emotional, you must immediately seek a psychologist or psychiatrist to make the diagnosis and conduct the treatment," he explains.

5 Attitudes That Can Help Prevent Burnout Syndrome

Lifestyle change is an important part of making treatment work. According to psychiatrist Lycia, some small attitudes can make a difference. Are they:

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  • Practice physical exercises;
  • Have a proper and balanced diet;
  • Include in the routine moments of leisure and relaxation;
  • Implement ways that work does not interfere with quality of life;
  • Do not charge yourself so much.

Although simple, one must recognize the difficulty of keeping all these things up to date. But with patience and dedication, it is possible!

Difference Between Stress, Depression and Burnout Syndrome

The professional clarifies that, despite the possible similarities between stress, burnout and depression, one must know how to differentiate each case.

Stress can be considered the sum of physical and mental responses caused by external stimuli that allow the individual to overcome certain demands of the environment, although generating stress. In Burnout Syndrome, the onset of symptoms occurs in response to chronic occupational stress, always related to work. And in depression, symptoms such as lethargy, feelings of guilt, lack of pleasure and willingness to do activities are directed at the overall context of your life, not just work.

Now that you know more about Burnout Syndrome, be aware of your symptoms and take care of your work routine!

"Strategies to recognise and prevent stress and burnout" by Gillian Colville for OPENPediatrics (April 2024)

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