Check out two apps to control personal finances

Monthly purchase, personal shopping, household expenses, fixed and extra expenses. During the month, with so much to pay and to do, people often spend more than planned. And then, to get out of the red, you need to cut costs and save. It may take several months to fix a? Slip? just a month. To prevent this from happening, you need to write down all the money that comes in and especially what goes out.

However, for modern women who work and still take care of the house, writing down everything can be difficult. After all, they don't have a notebook in their hand at all times. But a cell phone they have. Today there are apps to track personal finances. Simply and conveniently, you can download apps on your phone and write down what you spend on the go.

If you think you need to better control your personal or household expenses, then it's time to try out online tools that help the day-to-day management of expenses. For this reason, the Le baragosse separated two tips from applications that have this function. Get to know the functions and enjoy!


With user-friendly interface and easy handling, Organizze has fields for the user to fill in the amount dedicated to grocery shopping, rent, among other expenses. He makes the accounts of the month from income and all expenses.


Available for Android and iPhone, this is also a financial control app, which accounts for the month from the amounts received and used. Yupee also allows information to be supplied in real time with each new purchase. This way, the user will know if he still has the positive balance.

The technology can be used to control personal or even small business expenses. The only recommendation is that the instructions for use are followed correctly and that the user is sure to provide the app with all the financial information. It will have no effect if information on small expenses is disregarded, for example.

Before choosing your app, try both to find out which one you most identify with. Both provide security with respect to personal data provided for use of the software. There are even online programs to be used on the computer. Those who have availability can look for Jimbo or Finance Desktop.

A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance (April 2024)

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