Cholesterol Lowering Diet

Cholesterol is an important nutrient for the body, but it becomes a health hazard when levels are higher than indicated or there is a genetic risk factor. Anyone who struggles to control high blood cholesterol levels and wants to avoid cardiovascular disease caused by cholesterol needs to take care of their diet. Some simple tips can lower cholesterol and make your meal healthier.

What to eat to lower cholesterol

Whole versions of animal foods contain a large amount of saturated fat and bring cholesterol to the body. To control your body's cholesterol levels, prefer low-fat, low-fat versions. Replace yellow cheeses with white cheeses such as ricotta and cottage cheese, whole milk and dairy products with skimmed ones. Avoid consuming butter, egg yolk and lard.

Red meat has a higher amount of cholesterol than white and lean meat. However, this does not mean that any of them can be consumed at will. Meat should be included in the menu in moderation. Before preparation, remove visible fat from red meat and on white meat such as chicken, remove skin. Fiber decreases the absorption of fat in the intestine and helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. They can be found in fruits, raw vegetables, cereals and vegetables.

Keep an eye on products that carry trans fat in the composition. Trans fat poses the same danger as saturated fat, increasing the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease caused by cholesterol. Canola oil and olive oil are good examples of trans fat free foods that can be your dietary allies. They help lower cholesterol levels and still make your dishes tastier and healthier. Those who need to control cholesterol levels should cut the menu frying, even if they are made in vegetable oils. Give preference to roasts and stews.

In addition to healthy eating habits, try physical activity. A balanced diet and exercise can make all the difference in cholesterol control.

Lowering Cholesterol - Mayo Clinic (April 2024)

  • Food, Diets
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