Compulsion, an obstacle to be overcome

When we are babies, our mothers feed us promptly, which brings a sense of comfort and immense well-being. This initial sensation allows it to be established that food brings much more than nutrition to the body, it also quietens the soul.

But when we talk about compulsive eatingIt is clear that the people who have this eating behavior are unaware of what hunger is, acting impulsively when feeding, as if they need to swallow a very large amount of food to calm down. It is important to point out that, in these cases, one does not eat from hunger, but from desire to eat.

There are many factors that drive people to eat compulsively, from the function of relieving anxiety, combating sadness, loneliness, comfort, according to one's beliefs and history. When we talk about obesity and compulsion, we know that they are multifactorial diseases, emotional aspects being one of them.

Diets are one of the factors that trigger the compulsive process, because most of the time, people venture to do restrictive dietsAiming to lose weight fast, however is a counterproductive process, and leads to weight regain. Since everything is cyclical, they diet, skid, eat again, low self-esteem, and the vicious cycle is in place.

As much as they have access to texts, websites, or even have passed by the nutrition professional, something escapes control, knowing by itself, does not change behavior.

This is a point to consider, as food is difficult to control, so are many drugs, because they act directly at the brain level, at the center of pleasure.

However, it is clear that whatever the dependencies, the individual who feels trapped in this cycle of overeating needs to take responsibility for change, and it is essential to seek professional psychology so that you can become aware of factors that lead them to overeat.

Thus, aware of your behavior, you can use strategies to avoid using food as a substitute to alleviate your discomfort. Whenever you realize that you are about to eat out of desire rather than hunger, you can use an action plan to alleviate your problems by avoiding self-destructive behaviors that can lead to overweight and obesity.

When we develop assertive behaviors about our life and eating, it means that we can say no, both about the food itself and our impulses, the external demands that often lead us to seek comfort Immediate.

Changing the conception of food as a gift is one of the first steps to take, as the compulsive person often uses food as compensation or pleasure, and is the easiest way to self-sabotage.

Finally, being able to reflect on what is behind the desire to remain overweight, because the compulsion it is just one more symptom than it cannot resolve within itself, and removing the symptom means facing the wrong, making a move to resolve its conflict.

How to Overcome Addictions and Compulsive Disorder? | Sadhguru (April 2024)

  • Wellness, Diets
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