Diabetes May Increase Alzheimer's Risk, Research Finds

Do you have a history of Alzheimer's in your family? So maybe you should talk to your doctor about your blood sugar levels. That's because researchers at Georgetown University have found that there is a relationship between both diseases.

Was the conclusion made from an analysis of resveratrol? component present in purple grapes and wine. The authors concluded that the substance has the ability to alter blood glucose levels in Alzheimer's patients.

The research was done with patients who have Alzheimer's but who have frequent medical follow-up. The result was surprising 43% of these people were shown to have reduced glucose tolerance, ie a pre-diabetes. And those same patients had no family history of diabetes!

The result suggests that keeping blood sugar levels at normal levels, especially in people with a family history of diabetes, may prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Mayo Clinic Minute: Family risk of Alzheimer's disease? (April 2024)

  • Diabetes
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