Eco brush

The eco-friendly brush is a new thing that is coming to beauty salons as an alternative for women who depend on treatments to leave the hair smoother and without volume. Chemical free, this new type of brush promises to straighten without damaging your hair, health and even the environment.

The environmentally friendly brush eliminates the use of chemicals such as formaldehyde, albumin, carbocysteine ​​and has no dyes. In the composition of the product are natural elements such as yellow flowers, tropical fruits and pink pepper, which leave the hair with a smooth and more natural effect.

Another advantage of the eco-friendly brush is that the product is odorless, does not cause scalp burning or any other unpleasant reaction.

Because it is chemical free, hair straightening can be used on all hair types, including hair that already has some chemical or dye, as it does not fade or harm the hair.

The procedure for straightening the strands with the ecological brush is the same as the traditional brush, the only difference is that there is no need to do the strands analysis before applying the product.

First the hair goes through a deep cleaning with anti-residue shampoo, then the straightener is applied all over the hair and acts on the hair according to the time determined by the manufacturer. Then the brushing is done, finishing with the help of the flat iron the mecha.

Depending on each type of hair, the eco-friendly brush can last up to three months. For optimal results in wire maintenance, only salt-free products should be used.

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  • Straightening, Hair
  • 1,230