Foods to combat fluid retention

Do you know those days when the pants are tight around the waist, the belly protrudes a little and the legs and feet are swollen? Be very calm, because you should not have gained weight overnight but are retaining fluid. Water retention is nothing more than a swelling caused by the buildup of excess water in the body, which causes the body to feel uncomfortable and gives the appearance of having gained a few pounds.

The problem can have many causes, ranging from hormonal changes caused by stress, menstruation, pregnancy or even poor diet. Here are some foods to combat fluid retention and prevent the discomfort and bloated body sensation that bothers many women.


Oatmeal is a protein and mineral rich cereal that in addition to strengthening teeth, bones and connective tissue, is very effective in providing energy and stabilizing estrogen levels, which helps reduce fluid retention in the body.

Granola is also a type of tasty cereal that can be consumed to combat fluid retention because it is a food made up of selenium and zinc, minerals that act as antioxidants in the body.

In addition, they regulate the intestines, ensure prettier skin and combat the feeling of bloating and malaise in fluid retention. These foods are digestive and contribute to the proper functioning of the body avoiding constipation, so they should be consumed on a daily basis combined with fruits and yogurts. Other whole grains such as quinoa, rice and flaxseed can also be consumed to combat fluid retention.


To combat the feeling of swelling and discomfort of the body, it is necessary to consume plenty of liquid, especially the diuretic teas with white, green, carqueja and horsetail. These teas are great options to help decrease fluid retention because they have properties that help speed up metabolism and, in addition, still burn some calories.


Water is the main ally to combat fluid retention. Consuming up to 2 liters of water a day is essential not only for hydrating the body, but also for stimulating the functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering and eliminating toxins from the body, which helps alleviate body swelling.


Some fruits that fight bloating and soften the feeling of discomfort are: watermelon, pineapple and pear, which have a large amount of water.

Also on the list are the melon, which is diuretic, the grape and plum, which help cleanse the body because they prevent constipation and the mango, banana and orange, which cause the body to disintegrate.


Like fruits, some vegetables also help soothe the body's swelling by three factors: they have a diuretic effect, a good amount of water, and the function of helping to activate circulation. The effective vegetables to stop this problem are arugula, hive and watercress, which are diuretic vegetables, but cucumber, lettuce and zucchini have plenty of water in the composition and dark leafy vegetables activate circulation.

What to avoid?

Just as there are foods that help combat fluid retention, others may end up contributing to increased discomfort and further aggravation. If you are feeling too bloated and feeling sick, avoid eating foods that ferment the body and cause gas such as cabbage, milk, condiments like mustard and ketchup, sweets made with lots of sugar, foods canned, canned, processed foods, caffeine, and sodium-rich beverages such as soda.

Salt is also a major villain that causes this problem, so it is necessary to reduce the dose or replace it with other spices to give that extra flavor to the meal. So use herbs and other spices in the kitchen.

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