Functional Foods: Learn How To Incorporate Them In Your Diet

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Have you heard of functional foods? Besides having the nutritional functions, these foods are responsible for producing metabolic and / or physiological effects that act in favor of health. Learning how to incorporate them into your diet can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Interested in the subject? Keep reading to answer all your questions about this type of food!

Content Index:

  • What are functional foods?
  • Nutrologist clarifies doubts
  • Functional Food Types

What are functional foods?

According to the physician nutrologist of the Clinic More Excellence Medical, Thiago Santolim (CRM: 115.296), functional foods are those that offer health benefits, in addition to having the basic nutritional functions. For example, higher fiber foods such as oats, brown bread and brown rice. Can they help reduce chronic and degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer ?.

Functional foods, however, are different from foods considered enriched. • Enriched foods are those composed of nutrients for the purpose of enhancing their nutritional value. For example, calcium enriched food. This process often only replenishes the amount of nutrients lost in food processing, making its nutritional value equal or even lower when compared to the product in its natural state ?, explains Santolim.

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It is important to emphasize that, to be considered functional, the food must meet the specificities required by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency), which is responsible for the registration of these products in the market. That is, it must contain a scientifically proven functional property.

Nutrologist answers questions about functional foods

For most people, functional foods are synonymous with healthy foods. They are, but when we talk about this, there are other factors to consider. Santolim clarifies the main ones:

Are there industrialized functional foods? Yes, but you need to be aware of its real effectiveness. For them to be effective, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet and to correctly follow the form of consumption detailed on the labels.

What are the best functional foods? The best functional foods include: oats, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, flaxseeds, soybeans, fish in general, cherry, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, red grape, olive, avocado, olive oil, green tea. and red wine.

Can functional foods be eaten freely? Everything missing or in excess is bad for the body. Therefore, it is recommended that functional foods be consumed in the right quantities, following a menu prepared by a nutritionist.

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What are nutraceutical foods? They are known as "capsule foods" as they are not eaten fresh. Nutraceutical foods help prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, and cardiovascular problems, and bring benefits to nails, skin, and hair.

How to insert nutraceutical foods in the diet? Nutraceutical foods may be included in the diet through teas or as dietary supplements in capsule form.

It is noteworthy that functional foods are consumed in their natural form and, therefore, have no contraindications. Since nutraceuticals contain active ingredients isolated in capsules, they should be prescribed by a health professional through clinical evaluation and laboratory tests.

Functional Food Types

Now that you know what functional foods are, it's time to know the main types. Check out:

  • Isoflavones: can be found in soy and its derivatives. This type of food produces estrogenic action and prevents cancer.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: They help reduce cholesterol and have anti-inflammatory action. They are found in fish such as salmon, tuna, anchovy, herring and sardines.
  • Acid a? linolenic: It is an acid that stimulates the immune system and has anti-inflammatory action. It is present in almonds, walnuts and flaxseed, rapeseed and soy oils.
  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids act to prevent cancer and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. They are present in citrus fruits, soy, tomatoes, peppers, cherry and artichoke.
  • Tannin: With antiseptic and antioxidant action, tannin can be found in apple, grape, cashew, sage and basil.
  • Allyl Sulphides: are present in garlic and onions. They help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve the immune system and prevent gastric cancer.
  • Soluble and insoluble fibers: They are responsible for preventing colon cancer, improving bowel function, controlling blood glucose and treating obesity. They can be found in whole grains, pulses and vegetables with stems.
  • Indols and Isothiocyanates: foods like cauliflower, broccoli, radish and mustard contain indoles and isothiocyanates, inducers of enzymes that prevent some cancers, especially breast cancer.
  • Catechins: reduce the risk of cancer and cholesterol, and strengthen the immune system. Catechins are present in green tea, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, purple grapes, blueberries and red wine.
  • Prebiotics: activate the intestinal microfiber and favor the proper functioning of the intestine. They are extracted from vegetables such as chicory root and yacon potato.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics stimulate gastrointestinal functions and reduce the risk of constipation and colon cancer. They are present in fermented milks and yogurts.

As seen above, functional foods help prevent various types of diseases and contribute to a nutrient-rich diet. "We must remember that the consumption of these foods must be done in a balanced way and with water intake," adds Santolim.

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The doctor of nutrition also gives some tips for those who want to adopt a healthy eating routine: • Take time only for meals, that is, nothing to eat by looking at your phone or TV. It is also important to reduce the amount of salt in the dishes. To increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, choose a day of the week to go to the market with your planned purchases ?.

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