Got married and earned a few pounds? This is a sign that you are happy.

It was a lot of evenings with her friends, a lot of time enjoying single and a lot of boring encounters with the Tinder boys.

That's until you found a nicer guy, different from the others, and decided to engage a serious relationship with him.

Now, after several goodies, romantic dinners, and Netflix popcorn series, have you noticed that your pants are tighter at the waist?

And it wasn't just you! You may not have commented, but apparently your partner is also a bit chubbier than when you first met him.

Is this a sign that you no longer care about each other? None of it! In fact, those extra pounds simply means you're happy!

Also read: 10 Signs That You Are With a Cool Partner

Pounds of love and happiness

If you have identified with the above situation, know that you are not the first or last person in the world to gain weight after finding love. And if that was already part of popular wisdom, a study by the US National Center for Biotechnology has scientifically proven this phenomenon.

The survey, which was published in 2013, followed 169 newly married couples for four years, noting the participants' weight and feelings about marriage. The result was that the chubby couples stayed together, while the more fitness couples were more likely to break up.

The reason for this? Scientists imagine that when two people are happy in a relationship, they don't have to work so hard to stay fit and win their partner's affection. After all, they feel safe with each other, allowing themselves to eat a little more and exercise a little less.

On the other hand, in the case of couples who ended up breaking up, the partners already tended to take more care of the silhouette, as if to ensure that they would be fit when they "returned to the market."

Pizza, brigadier and couch every day, is that right?

Calm that is not so. Even though having gained a few pounds means you're comfortable with each other, a very significant weight gain is extremely harmful to your health.

Read also: How to help my partner take care of himself?

Thus, of course, it remains important to worry about maintaining a healthy weight according to one's biotype. After all, being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even some cancers.

But for the relationship to be long-lasting and happy, it is more interesting for partners to do so with their health in mind, not just their image or their power of attraction.

My partner cares a lot about weight. Shall we split up?

Although the study found a relationship between partners who were very concerned about maintaining the shape and tendency to end the relationship, this is not necessarily a rule.

Does your partner care about the shape thinking of attracting new eyes or is he just looking after his own health? Think this reasoning goes for yourself too? After all, we don't want to lose weight just to find a new love.

If you feel that you are both a little too fat, maybe even starting to hurt your health, how about you find some physical activity to do together? This can be a good idea to stay fit and united.

Read also: How to lose weight: 14 tips to lose weight with health

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