How Meditation Can Help Your Career

Increasingly interested in improving the quality of life of professionals, companies are offering resources and activities that promote well-being and improve productivity. While some companies offer their employees healthier meals and invest in stretching exercises, for example, others are providing space and time for people to take a break from work to meditate.

The practice has become commonplace in the workplace, especially where there are professionals performing high stress and emotional stress functions. This oriental technique gives the person the ability to clear the mind and relieve tensions in the brain and body. Meditating helps to reduce stress, lessen internal conflicts, and increases self-evaluation skills.

Meditation also teaches you to have control over your emotions in adverse situations. In this way, it is possible to see the facts clearly and make logical and more reasonable decisions rather than acting unthinkingly.

With a relaxed body and a head thinking about things outside of working life, you can have greater focusing power and pay attention to what really matters.

Another important question about how meditation can help your career is that this type of activity creates an environment conducive to reflection and self-awareness. After a meditation session, people become more focused on tasks, have more desire and enthusiasm to do their work.

Spending a few minutes of the day reflecting on your own values ​​encourages people to find out if they are happy with what they do.

If not, it is a good opportunity to rethink attitudes, create new strategies and behaviors to improve performance. Good for employees, good for the company, which gains from increased productivity.

How to meditate at work

Ideally, meditation at work should be done in a calm, comfortable place with low lighting and ambient sound. But if your business doesn't offer the activity and specific location yet, don't waste your time and start practicing on your own.

Meditation can be done anywhere: at the desk, in the car, in a square, anywhere you can close your eyes and escape outside distractions. Turn off your computer, phone, and anything else that might get in your way.

Then close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel the movements of inhaling and exhaling. Clear your mind. It may seem complicated to do so, but over time and training daily, you will find that the pleasure of meditating at work can go a long way toward improving your working life.

How meditation helps in your career? (Thai sub.) (April 2024)

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