How parents should guide their children about drugs

Considered a phase of conflict and adaptation, adolescence is the period of questioning, search for new experiences and the growing interest in independence. Therefore, it is common to raise parental concern, after all, knowing how to talk and clarify all doubts of the child may not be so pleasant.

Many parents do not engage in dialogue with their children from an early age and this ends up damaging the whole relationship afterwards. When talking about sex or drugs, for example, a barrier is raised between them ?, comments the educator Arlete Codo.

Therefore, dialogue is essential. Through the conversation, a greater rapprochement between parents and children is established, which increases the security, understanding and connection between them. Nothing better than clarifying doubts. If your child doesn't clarify with you, can you ask others who will (possibly) point the wrong way ?, says Arlete.

Give attention!

For Arlete, "affection and attention to little ones are essential for drug prevention." This is because your child will know that they can always count on you, feeling comfortable in all situations.

Learn to listen

Be careful when speaking and give your child freedom to ask questions and comment on the subject as well. It's important to let them state their opinion. There is no point in parents talking and the child just listening. There has to be exchange of comments always ?, suggests the educator.


Knowing who your children walk with is critical. • See what friendships your children made at school. Also talk to the teacher, after all, he better than anyone, will know a little about the behavior of all children in the room ?, says Arlete.

Go straight to the point

Be honest and show the reality about it. • Parents should use language that the child understands and should not omit any situation. The little ones should know about all the harm that drug use can bring to the person ?, comments the educator.

Stay tuned!

According to a survey by the Brazilian Center for Information on Psychotropic Drugs, marijuana use quadrupled in ten years. Parents need to analyze their child's behavior. It is normal during adolescence for them to isolate themselves. But if you realize that this isolation is beyond normal, seeking guidance from a psychologist is essential?

Remember that parents need to build bonds of friendship between their children. Respect their space, but let them know that there are limits and rules. If you find that your child has come home drunk, for example, this should be remedied as soon as possible! Set limits and show that responsibility is the best way to a healthy life ?, concludes Arlete.

How To Deal With A Teenager Using Drugs (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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