How to avoid awkward situations

There are a number of things that can make us go through extremely embarrassing situations, such as the belly that keeps making noises or the dreaded bad breath. To get rid of those nuisances that burn your image off at times when you shouldn't have to, check out our tips on 6 common problems and follow the tips.

1 ? Snoring in the belly


Your stomach may make noises both when it is empty for a long time and when it is processing the food you have just eaten. This is due to the movements that the stomach makes, called peristaltic movements.


To avoid belly crunching, eat small meals to avoid having an empty stomach for too long and not overfilling it at once. Remember that the ideal is to eat five to six meals a day and not just three meals with a huge amount of food.

However, if that is not enough, you may want to see a doctor to see if you have any gastrointestinal problems.

2 ? Halitosis


One cause of bad breath is a lack of tongue brushing. Cigarette addiction and problems like sinusitis can also leave you with lion breath. Also, eating or eating foods like onions and garlic too much can also cause a bad smell in the mouth.


Try to eliminate the causes of bad breath mentioned above. For example, smoke less and do not go long periods without eating. You can also include parsley in your diet because it contains chlorophyll, a substance that helps to alleviate the bad smell.

3? Vaginal flatus


During intercourse, some air may enter the vagina and cause the vaginal flatus, which is usually odorless. As the vagina has no sphincter, it cannot control the outflow of this air and it eventually escapes as soon as the muscles relax.


To escape from the vaginal gases, you can avoid some positions that let more air into the vagina, such as the four-way position and any other position where the penis exits and enters almost totally or totally from the vagina. But if it happens during the relationship, don't be embarrassed. Face it with good humor and continue what you were doing!

4? Flatulence


The intestinal gas problem may be linked to factors such as excessive fiber intake, poor digestion of certain foods, high consumption of carbonated beverages or lactose or gluten intolerance.


To reduce flatulence, consume less carbonated beverages, eat less fiber, and don't overdo foods like beans, kale, milk, eggs and onions. And to help the gut, avoiding the intestinal gases, drink mint tea.

5? Burps


Burps, those unintentionally, are caused by a number of factors that we often don't even realize. Among the causes of belching are eating too fast, ingested air along with food or drink, drinking with straw and using chewing gum.


So that you don't get embarrassed about that unwanted burp that can escape at any moment, eat without haste and don't talk too much while chewing. Also avoid foods that may cause more stomach fermentation, such as milk and fried foods.

6? Hyperhidrosis


Excessive sweating is more common than you might think. It can be due to genetic factors, high temperatures or even overstimulation of the sweat eliminating glands.


Depending on the case, you may have surgery called thoracic sympathectomy, which cuts the action of the nerves responsible for excessive sweating. Another option is to apply botox in the region where there is excessive sweating. Less severe cases may have simpler ways to lessen the hassle. These include wearing clothes that let your skin breathe better, avoiding very hot, enclosed environments, wearing shoes that let your feet breathe, and wearing good antiperspirant.

Now you know how not to embarrass yourself by avoiding these embarrassing situations, so follow the tips and don't get ugly when in public places.


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