How to deal with guilt

Learning from one's mistakes is one of the best forms of growth and self-awareness, but we do not always have that awareness. Most of the time, when something doesn't go as expected or we act negatively, we turn it into guilt.

?Fault? It is the term used to define the negative feelings that arise when we make a mistake considered serious or when we do something we wish we had not done or failed to do. It arises from people's claim to perfection, and the better a person wants to be, the less he admits to mistakes.

Generally, who feels guilty Seeks ways of escape to alleviate this feeling of regret for action taken. Treating others badly, complaining about everything, being teasing, compulsive eating, over-drinking, and using drugs are common behaviors for those who try to end anguish.

Keep the feeling of guilt It can also lead to depression, fear, isolation and more serious emotional changes. Therefore, the best way is to face the facts and learn to support it.

The first step of how to deal with the feeling of guilt It is to recognize that the human being is imperfect, so he can err at any moment. Then you need to understand the difference between responsibility and guilt. The feeling of guilt comes from the idea that things should happen as we want, but life is not controllable. To have responsibility is to know how to assume their attitudes, even if they are not good.

Try to be aware of the origin of this feeling. Start by asking yourself: What makes me feel guilty? Then make a list of all the faults you feel. This will help to better understand the emotional conflicts generated by them.

The tricky part might be to look at the situations where guilt arose and to think about whether it was really necessary to do so. Make a list of all the faults you feel, however large the list may be, do it! This will help you better understand your feelings and conflicts generated by guilt.

Rethink the facts and if you were able to act differently than you did. The goal is not to look for more culprits to? Divide? the feeling doesn't even feed remorse but explore the reasons why you still blame yourself.

After all, mistakes also serve as learning and no matter how many we have to make, what really counts is the experiences gained through them. Everyone has the right to put their anger out when something doesn't go as expected, but then you have to understand that mistakes happen, see how they can serve as a lesson, and most importantly, don't repeat them.

How To Forgive Yourself - How To Stop Feeling Guilty (April 2024)

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